Immigration Crisis: “Gitmo” Detention, House Demands Answers from DHS, Texas Governor Set to Launch Border Surge, “Evil” Murdoch’s “Heart” Sinks

Posted by Tina

As you know Barack Obama’s immigration policy has resulted in thousands of children crossing our borders unaccompanied by adults. The numbers have overwhelmed state services and created medical and “warehousing” problems. The DHS is using tax dollars to transport kids:

ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is seeking the services of a responsible vendor that shares the philosophy of treating all UAC with dignity and respect, while adhering to standard operating procedures and policies that allow for an effective, efficient, and incident free transport. The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air.

This solicitation to private venders apparently included a five year contract.

Authorities in DC (read Obama), have ordered border patrol agents and spokespersons to keep their mouths shut, presumably to limit media coverage:

When asked about the status of the thousands of children who have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally this year, Tucson Border Patrol spokesman Bryan Flowers told Breitbart Texas that due to orders from Washington, D.C. “we cannot give out those details.”

Meanwhile, a New York state legislator, aligned with the President’s irresponsible “dreamer” invitation, has proposed legislation to further encourge the arrivals,offering “state citizenship giving them access to services that even some of our own citizens don’t qualify to receive, including a college educations. When voting rights are included in the package it’s pretty clear that liberal representatives that have been elected to serve are serving the Democrat Party rather than the people.

While liberals continue to destroy our nation’s employment situation and add pressure to services already overwhelmed from the unhealthy economy, Governor Rick Perry is acting to secure the Texas border:

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has ordered a state law-enforcement surge on his state’s border with Mexico, saying that he can’t wait keep waiting for the federal government to live up to its responsibilities.

“The responsibility for securing the border rests exclusively on the federal government,” the Republican governor wrote in a letter Wednesday night to Col. Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The letter was also signed by Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and Texas House Speaker Joe Straus.

“Until the federal government fulfills its duty, it falls on the state of Texas to address those obligations,” Perry continued.

Perry, saying the the unsecured border is a “humanitarian issue,” complained that “the federal government’s failure to secure the border has created an incentive for families to send their children on a dangerous, and sometimes fatal, journey.”

Perry wrote: “With this letter, you are directed to plan and execute a surge operation of increased law enforcement in Texas border counties. You are authorized to utilize all existing appropriated funds toward this operation.”

in the House of Representatives House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Republican, is demanding answers to 22 questions from the Department of Homeland Security:

“I am formally requesting information needed by the Committee in carrying out its oversight responsibilities regarding the unprecedented influx of unaccompanied alien minors and alien minors accompanied by adults seeking to enter the U.S. illegally along our southern border ant the Department of Homeland Security’s response to this immigration and national security crisis,” Goodlatte wrote in a letter to DHS Sec. Jeh Johnson Thursday.

According to Goodlatte — who calls the situation an “Administration-made disaster” — his staff has already requested some of the information he is formally seeking, but DHS has not provided it “within the very reasonable timeframes.

In near comic contrast the lefts “evil nemesis,” Rupert Murdoch, expressed heartfelt sympathy, “my heart sank,” for the plight of the children (who doesn’t have sympathy?) as he said he “can’t wait” for comprehensive immigration legislation.

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6 Responses to Immigration Crisis: “Gitmo” Detention, House Demands Answers from DHS, Texas Governor Set to Launch Border Surge, “Evil” Murdoch’s “Heart” Sinks

  1. Tina says:

    The diseases crossing our borders is causing a bit of a crisis:

    Health professionals are warning of a “humanitarian crisis” festering in Texas and Arizona as a result of unchecked border crossings of illegal-immigrant children into border communities.

    Cramped conditions and the spread of difficult-to-treat diseases has doctors worried in the wake of a massive influx of children coming across the Mexican-U.S. border, many of them from Central and South America. Outbreaks of scabies, lice, dengue fever, tuberculosis and other diseases – many of them contagious – are already being documented among the children and in some border agents who work among them.

    “President Obama’s non-enforcement immigration doctrine seemingly invites illegal border crossings, which brings with it a wave of illnesses and diseases that have long been stamped-out in America,” Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., told WND.

    Gingrey, a 30-year practicing physician, said the threat posed to American families is very real.

    “There is a logistical nightmare these scarce diseases impose on the medical community,” he said. “The White House must stop neglecting the consequences of its reckless, open-border policies and protect the health and safety of our citizens – not to mention the security of our nation.”

  2. Peggy says:

    One little town fights the Big O’s administration and wins. Who’s next?

    Angry Virginia Residents Say ‘No’ to Obama Administration’s Plan to House Illegals:

    “LAWRENCEVILLE, Virginia—Over 1,000 angry residents of the small, rural town here gathered at Brunswick High School on Thursday and reamed out local, state, and federal government officials for offering the St. Paul’s College building as temporary emergency shelter for 500 unaccompanied alien children (UACs) coming from Texas. St. Paul’s, a historically black college, shut down five years ago after losing its accreditation.

    “Right now we have a town—I can go home. I can get supper. At 9 o’clock at night I can come back to my office by myself, go in there and do work, come out at 11:30, get in my car and never worry about being harmed. I can’t do that anymore if y’all come,” said Pam Thomas. “You can’t put them over there and it’s not a prison anymore. It’s a closed facility.”

    Although the UAC’s were scheduled to arrive on Thursday, the plan was put on hold following a severe backlash from the community. In the meantime, the panel of government officials continued to promise that if Lawrenceville residents did not want the UAC facility in operation, the plan would be scrapped.”

  3. Peggy says:

    Must watch video on one of the small town Virginia residents.

  4. Libby says:

    I hope “Mr. Kennedy’s lice” does get on you … it’s no more than you deserve.


  5. Peggy says:

    This is amazing. This administration must have a crystal ball that accurately predicts the future.

    Note the date (Jan. 29, 2014) of the job announcement and the number of anticipated illegal minors expected (65,000) to staff for.

    Gov’t Confirms Authenticity of Contract Request for ‘Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children’ at the Border:

    “A recently discovered government request for “escort services for unaccompanied alien children” dating back to January is raising questions about whether the government was planning for a surge of illegal immigrants this year as amnesty talks heated up in the United States.

    The request specifically says it was preparing for 65,000 undocumented children.

    The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed the request to TheBlaze, which is for transportation companies to escort children from the U.S.-Mexico border to relocation facilities throughout the United States

    The application, dated Jan. 29, is posted on Federal Business Opportunities, a website that advertises government contract openings.

    “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has a continuing and mission critical responsibility for accepting custody of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) from U.S. Border Patrol and other Federal agencies and transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) shelters located throughout the continental United States,” a description of the request reads.

    It goes on to add specifics, including how many minors the agency is expecting:

    Transport will be required for either category of [Unaccompanied Minors] or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25 percent local ground transport, 25 percent via ICE charter and 50 percent via commercial air. Escort services include, but are not limited to, assisting with: transferring physical custody of UAC [Unaccompanied Alien Children] from DHS to Health and Human Services (HHS) care via ground or air methods of transportation (charter or commercial carrier).

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez confirmed the authenticity of the document to TheBlaze but could not immediately respond to detailed questions. ICE officials said they would contact TheBlaze with more information as it becomes available.”

  6. Peggy says:

    Worth reading. Even the authors response in comments is interesting.

    The Cloward-Piven strategy explains how Obama benefits from immigration crisis:

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