A Question Of Appropriate Response

Posted by Tina

Why would our President send a special DHS emissary to deliver a message of thanks to the congregation of the mosque attended by accused beheader Alton Nolen?

The message read:

“Your service is a powerful example of the powerful roots of the Abrahamic faiths and how our communities can come together with shared peace with dignity and a sense of justice.”

This message was sent “the day after Colleen Hufford’s funeral,” according to Western Journalism which also notes, “Hufford’s funeral, reports indicate, was held at a nearby Baptist church and included no official government representation.”

I imagine the President’s gesture was an attempt to calm emotions, allay fears, and pander a bit, but sending this message while pretending this was just an act of workplace violence or that it had nothing to do with terrorism is odd.

President Obama made a point of addressing the “troubling” botched execution that took place in Oklahoma last spring. The President traveled to Oklahoma to comfort Tornado victims.

Why have we not heard concerns expressed about how “troubling”…no, how downright evil the beheading of Colleen Hufford and the vicious attack of another co-worker was? Where are the expressions of sympathy for her family? Where are the assurances that Americans will not tolerate such barbarism? Why has the President avoided calling the beheading of Colleen Hufford a terrorist attack? Does this barbaric death hold so little meaning to the President of our nation?

It has to be repeated, the President’s behavior is bizarre, especially when considering the Mosque in question has associations and ties to terrorism, according to research done by Breitbart Peace:

…Suhaib Webb, the former Imam of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City had been a close confidant of al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. Breitbart News also discovered that other radical Islamists, such as convicted terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, had attended the same mosque. In addition, it was discovered thatthe mosque was founded by Mufid Abdulqader, the half-brother of the chairman of Gaza Strip terror group Hamas.In 2009, the mosque’s founder was sentenced to 20 years in prison. According to the Department of Justice, Abdulqader was “convicted on one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, one count of conspiracy to provide goods, funds, and services to a specially designated terrorist, and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.”

Gateway Pundit reported that some Muslims, in attendance at a press release by local law enforcement in Oklahoma, “celebrated the beheading by shouting ‘Praise Allah.'”

This map doesn’t offer much assurance to those wondering how well we are being defended and protected. (Looks to me like we’re being surrounded!)

This map is also not comforting. I have no idea as to the authenticity of either but given recent reports I have every reason to be concerned either way.

The president did address the nation about the threat posed by ISIL in an interview with Chuck Todd on NBC:

“What I’m going to be asking the American people to understand is, number one, this is a serious threat,” Obama said about the speech, which is not expected to be a prime time address. “Number two, we have the capacity to deal with it.”

How glib!

A quote from the address that apparently few watched:

We can’t erase every trace of evil from the world, and small groups of killers have the capacity to do great harm. That was the case before 9/11, and that remains true today. And that’s why we must remain vigilant as threats emerge.

Has the President been vigilant? Does he even have any “skin in the game,” as he likes to say? Or has he played countless rounds of golf in between fund raising events without really giving much thought to this terror nonsense? His polling numbers suggest the public has lost faith in his ability to perform his duties. Given his strange responses and behaviors it’s no wonder.

Side note: An opinion from someone who represents the un-glib offered with refreshing dignity, clarity, grace, and diplomacy.

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10 Responses to A Question Of Appropriate Response

  1. Tina says:

    As if it dropped from the sky, a very good article by Governor Jindal and Jim Talent crossed my computer screen, “Why strong defense is critical to America.”

  2. Peggy says:

    Tina, the man has spent more time on the golf course than he has listening to intelligence briefings. Is it really any surprise to anyone he just added another inappropriate statement or act.

    Obama Has Spent More Time Playing Golf Than In Intel Briefings:

    “President Barack Obama has spent more time golfing than he has spent listening to daily intelligence briefings.

    The Daily Caller has calculated that he’s spent almost 700 hours in 875 “Presidential Daily Briefings” since 2009.

    But he’s also spent roughly 800 hours on almost 200 golf trips since his first inauguration.”


    A clear picture of what took place behind closed doors is being provided by those who served has his advisors and secretaries. And it’s clear he made decisions based on politics instead of national security or best for the country he took an oath to serve.

    One I find most egregious is his releasing five known terrorist leaders for a solder who went AWOL and inviting his parents to a photo-op in the rose garden. But, he’s done absolutely nothing to free our Marine being held in a Mexico prison for six months after making a wrong turn which took him into Mexico with his legal guns. He’s made no phone call to the president of Mexico demanding his release even though we give Mexico millions every year. His inaction as CnC is another example to the world of how weak he is and he’s a reflection of our country.

    The world is watching, and every sign of weakness is an invitation to those who want to take us down as an economic power and to those who want to take control of our country.

  3. Tina says:

    Re: “…every sign of weakness is an invitation to those who want to take us down…”

    The weakness he displays is reflected in our economy, our military readiness, and our standing in the world. His approval numbers are lower than that of GWB which were driven down in part with Alinsky tactics and lies about the economy which is ironic given what this radical Alinskyite did to it after taking over on the back of that smearing.

    Charles Paine said this morning that he thinks we are managing to endure this miserable time only because of the spirit of the American people. Businesses are adapting and hanging on despite all of the roadblocks and barriers this administration throws up. Unfortunately, the people are falling behind despite these valiant efforts to sustain until we can elect better leadership.

    The growth of the size of government with the Great Society, the CRA under Carter, expansion of the CRA under Clinton, and now Obamacare, redistribution, picking winners and losers, crazy energy policy, have all contributed through the decades to a weaker middle class and a shift for the poor from an opportunity society to a dependency society. Obama policy is working well to decimate buying power for the average person. And the man will not admit his policies are not working; he will not change policies. The question is why? Is he just narcissistic or is he dedicated to our demise.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    As I understand it, the former Imam of this particular mosque strongly condemned this act of terrorism. That’s good and it’s good that many members also spoke out against this murderer. It appears he wasn’t a very well known member and he acted weird according to some that saw him there.

    What is not good is how Obama feels it’s necessary to insert himself into every incident involving a high profile black victim or Muslim offender. He ought to stay out of it! He’s screwing up the justice system and trying to sway opinions when he just needs to shut up.

  5. Peggy says:

    Tina: “The question is why? Is he just narcissistic or is he dedicated to our demise.”

    Paneta provides a really good explanation of why he believes Obama’s presidency is failing. And it’s largely due to his limited work experience as a professor who tells his TA what lesson to teach the class while he goes and enjoys a meal at the faculty only facility paid for by tax payers and student’s tuition.

    Panetta: Obama Has Given Up:

    “Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta declared President Barack Obama’s approach to be like a law professor, however without the aspect of rolling up his sleeves and to get the job done.

    Instead he suggested Obama has given up.

    Panetta said, “He [Obama] approaches things like a law professor in presenting a logic of his position. There is nothing wrong with that. We want to have a president who thinks through the issues. My experience in Washington is that logic alone doesn’t work. Once you lay out a position, you are going to roll up your sleeves and you have to fight to get it done. That is key in Washington. In order for presidents to succeed, they cannot just — when they run into problems, step back and give up.”

    “There is a feeling and I have a feeling that the leadership and the president have given up on the big issues facing this country whether it’s immigration or a budget deal or infrastructure funding or trade or energy. there is a sense that you can’t deal with that. This country needs that. They can’t give up.”


    Jack: “As I understand it, the former Imam of this particular mosque strongly condemned this act of terrorism.”

    It appears this is being said to the public, but what is going on behind closed doors is the complete opposite.

    Whistleblower tells Megyn Kelly that beheader’s mosque secretly harbored radical teachings:

    “A Muslim convert who attended the same mosque as the Muslim convert who beheaded a woman in Oklahoma told Megyn Kelly on Wednesday that mosque leaders kept their real views about Islamist terrorism behind closed doors.

    After the Sept. 25 crime, mosque leaders told reporters the killer, Alton Nolen, had been a fairly recent convert who was known to behave oddly and that his views did not represent Islam.

    But the Muslim convert who appeared on “The Kelly File” with his face obscured and under the pseudonym “Noor,” told Kelly mosque leaders habitually told non-Islamic neighbors one thing, while talking differently among themselves.

    “[T]o the public, the mosque will not promote terrorism or any kind of radical acts,” the man told Kelly. “But when they’re among friends and congregants only, they will promote the true teachings of Islam, which include the offer to non-Muslims – the choice rather — that you must convert, live under Islamic rule, or be fought against.

    “Jihad, for the sake of Allah.”

    According to Noor’s story, one of the things prayed for in the mosque of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, was the success of Muslim fighters in Iraq against American soldiers.

    Two of the men he met there told him that if they had met Osama bin Laden before his death, they would invite him into their home and protect him as “brother Muslim.”

    One of its leaders was Suhaid Webb, an imam of the Islamic Society of Boston, the mosque attended by Boston marathon bomber Dzokhar Tsarnaev.

    Clearly, guys like this are saying more than “can’t we all just get along?”

    It might help if the mosque had provided a spokesman for Kelly’s show to rebut Noor’s story, but one wasn’t available. A spokesman told a Kelly representative on camera that the mosque wasn’t interested in talking to anyone.

    In public anyway.”


  6. Tina says:

    Peggy I also heard someone on FOX Business who referred to the Kelly interview ans mentioned that the women in the mosque might not hear everything the men hear making it convenient for them to be used as the public face.

  7. Tina says:

    Jack it makes me curious as to why the “former Imam” left that mosque.

    I agree Obama’s method of inserting himself selectively, rather than acting as the leader of the entire nation, is very disturbing. The man appears to be voting for some Americans over others. Based on this one thing alone the man does not deserve to hold the office in the nation built on freedom and equality. Obama is the only president I would say that about that has served in my lifetime.

  8. Chris says:

    The message was to thank the mosque for their help to the community after a tornado, and was scheduled before the beheading took place. http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/oklahoma.asp

  9. Tina says:

    Chris thanks for bringing further clarity to this situation.

    I would think that those in charge of protocol might have considered, once again, the optics in the situation. The hurricane was in May of 2013. It’s strange that it took so long to deliver the thank you.

    Snopes made it appear that the date coincided with the Islamic holiday of Eid Ul-Adha…why was the message not sent during the holiday in 2013 if it’s somehow appropriate or significant?

    Also, Snopes wrote that Nolen’s associate “appears to be tenuous.” This doesn’t exactly nail it down. And other reports about this mosque continue to be troubling regardless. for instance the opinion of the whistle blower on Megyn Kelly’s program:

    “A Muslim convert who attended the same mosque as the Muslim convert who beheaded a woman in Oklahoma told Megyn Kelly on Wednesday that mosque leaders kept their real views about Islamist terrorism behind closed doors.

    After the Sept. 25 crime, mosque leaders told reporters the killer, Alton Nolen, had been a fairly recent convert who was known to behave oddly and that his views did not represent Islam.

    But the Muslim convert who appeared on “The Kelly File” with his face obscured and under the pseudonym “Noor,” told Kelly mosque leaders habitually told non-Islamic neighbors one thing, while talking differently among themselves.

    “[T]o the public, the mosque will not promote terrorism or any kind of radical acts,” the man told Kelly. “But when they’re among friends and congregants only, they will promote the true teachings of Islam, which include the offer to non-Muslims – the choice rather — that you must convert, live under Islamic rule, or be fought against.

    Remember too, the Mosque in question has associations with significant terrorist leaders:

    Suhaib Webb, the former Imam of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City had been a close confidant of al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. Breitbart News also discovered that other radical Islamists, such as convicted terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, had attended the same mosque. In addition, it was discovered thatthe mosque was founded by Mufid Abdulqader, the half-brother of the chairman of Gaza Strip terror group Hamas.In 2009, the mosque’s founder was sentenced to 20 years in prison. According to the Department of Justice, Abdulqader was “convicted on one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, one count of conspiracy to provide goods, funds, and services to a specially designated terrorist, and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.”

    Given that threats to America, acknowledged by our government, will be from within, this emissary delivered thank you, following on the heals of the beheading, is cause for concern. I think the people have good reason to question where the Presidents priorities, perhaps even his loyalties reside.

    Our readers will have to decide for themselves.

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