A reply to Dale. post, “Thank God for War. Without war America would be drinking tea, speaking “English”, answering to the Queen, and could never complain about war.
Without war Germany would have twice fallen to the most ruthless dictators Earth has ever seen, Jews would be a memory in Europe, Asia would simply be Japan, and none of those people could complain about war.
Without war France would would be forced to have a backbone, would eat more sausage, speak German, and could never complain about war.
Without war millions of south Vietnamese would never have had the opportunity to escape Vietnam, instead they would have been slaughtered as most of their countrymen who stayed were. Instead they are able to live in the peace and security of a nation where they can safely complain about war.
The loss of human life during war in disheartening at least. The destruction of pristine landscapes makes grown men weep. The loss that is felt can never be adequately replaced. But freedom is priceless, and as such it has to be bought occasionally at the dear cost of the blood of young men and women, and the tears of mothers and fathers. Jordan F.”