Kerry Baffled by Ayatollah’s Anti-American Remarks

Posted by Tina

“Death to America,” is a familiar slogan. Anti-American sentiment from Iran’s extremist leadership is well known and documented not only for the rhetoric but also from the deadly terror activity they’ve encouraged and funded for decades. Simple common sense would suggest that negotiating with Iran’s leaders would be fruitless and dangerous. But common sense didn’t play a part in the administrations plan to build a personal legacy. The symbolism of a nuclear deal with Iran was important; the consequences of making such a deal with our enemy were irrelevant.

Well, the deal is apparently now done and Iran’s leaders have not changed their attitudes:

Khamenei, in addition to his usual vicious rhetoric against Israel, said “our policy toward the arrogant U.S. will not change.”

John Kerry appears to be baffled by this outcome. He was so nice and accomodating to the Iranians, how could this happen. Kerry reacts:

I don’t know how to interpret it at this point in time, except to take it at face value, that that’s his policy. But I do know that often comments are made publicly and things can evolve that are different. If it is the policy, it’s very disturbing, it’s very troubling, and we’ll have to wait and see. But that’s one of the reasons for my meeting with all of the Gulf States; it’s one of the reasons for our being very attentive to guaranteeing the security of the region. And we are not kidding when we talk about the importance of pushing back against extremism, against support for terrorism and proxies who are destabilizing other countries. It’s unacceptable.

What is there to say that hasn’t been said for almost seven years in one way or another? Barack Obama was not prepared to lead our nation. His agenda, the “fundamental transformation”of our America was troubling. The actions he has taken, including this deal with Iran, are right on target with that agenda. From Benghazi to this misbegotten deal with Iran, the Obama administration has made bad decisions. Obama will leave office having made our nation weak and vulnerable. This is unacceptable.

America needs a competent president; a president who will restore our nation to a position of strength, growth, and prosperity; a president who will put America’s interests first. There’s a broad field of candidates from which to choose in the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or anyone else the Democrats put up will just give us more of the same…we simply cannot afford four to eight more years of this.

Please consider carefully in the next election.

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2 Responses to Kerry Baffled by Ayatollah’s Anti-American Remarks

  1. J. Soden says:

    It’s pretty easy to baffle Lurch. And these are the same anti-American remarks that have been made by the ayatollah all during the IranSham “negotiations.”

    Too bad Lurch wasn’t paying attention to that over the last 2+ years . . . . .

  2. Peggy says:

    Sorry off topic, but a must watch.

    Sen. Cruz: How Many Criminal Illegal Aliens Did the Obama Administration Release?:

    “Questions ICE Director Saldaña about Administration’s negligence in immigration law enforcement.”

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