Could this be our future?

News Of The Future

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5 Responses to Could this be our future?

  1. Dewey says:

    Well to look at a Conservative President all one has to do is go back to the last one. GW Bush, I think voters will say no to going back there.

    So only conservatives are respectable people. Got it.

  2. Harold says:

    Fun post, to good to ever happen ……….

    So Mr. Trump has slipped some 8 eight points in the recent polls after this week’s Republican presidential debate. And Carly Fiorina shot to second place as reported in a the new poll. Any surprise, not here, hubris will work for a bit, then the strategy gets stagnant, as the need for “how” becomes more significant.

    Trump still No.1 in Republican race, because he is saying what needs to be said. Fiorina at No.2. and not as reported by CNN because, CNN Will Include Carly Fiorina in Its GOP Debate. Media urg!
    Dr. Ben Carson in at No.3

    The CNN/ORC poll had Trump still leading the field, with 24 percent of Republican voters supporting him, but that total was down eight percentage points from earlier this month. Yet Trumps message to America still is viable, we need honest leadership, and less bias politics.

    Fiorina, meanwhile, gained after a strong debate performance in which she icily skewered the brash real estate mogul for disparaging her looks in comments reported by Rolling Stone magazine. And that! is worth 8 points toward the leadership of our country, it may have shown some visceral back bine, but it doesn’t answer HOW, and that’s what I need to hear. Just saying it isn’t going to get my support.

    The poll had her at 15 percent, just ahead of Ben Carson, the mild-mannered retired brain surgeon (who will be at a disadvantage in DC, because his previous vocational training involved working with brains, in DC he would be better prepared as a proctologist who would understood the workings of asses) but he is a interesting challenger.

    And then we have Marco Rubio in No.4, career political type, smooth and proven in politics, actually a very neutral sort of personality, but with experience working within the system.

    So lets see if America can sort out the issues and find a leader capable of correcting those issues from amongst those listed above or maybe even some missing names, like Cruz ,Christy, even behind a so called Bush.

    Yet honestly, any of the above are better than Sanders, Bidden and the Queen of corruption Clinton, let alone Obama!

    In fourth place, behind the three “outsider” candidates, Florida Senator Marco Rubio also jumped significantly, with eight percentage point spurt to 11 percent.

    • Peggy says:

      Expect the media and the RNC to start backing Fiorina to dethrone Trump from first place. Carl Rove is already on the Fiorina bandwagon big time.

      Don’t forget she worked on both Romney’s and McCain’s campaign, so while she’s being promoted as an outsider she has long standing ties to the established GOP.

      I see it as a numbers game to take out anyone who opposes the establishment. And if using Fiorina to get Jeb on top with her as VP she’s all in.

      We’ve never in my life time had such a qualified field with so many strong fiscal conservative governors and Cruz as a man on a path to restore our country to a Constitutional Republic.

  3. Tina says:

    People are people. Some presidents actually want the job and do what they believe is best for the country. Whether we agree with them or not the result is much better than with those who are personally ambitious or ideologically ambitious. Others do what’s best for themselves, their image, and their party. None of us will agree with everything the candidates say as they campaign or do once elected. All will have a few things we see as flaws; there are no perfect candidates. So we’re left looking to the differences in ideology and policy as a means of determining our votes.

    In my lifetime I have seen that even the policies which seemed compassionate at the time have turned out to be detrimental, not only to the people who were supposed to be served, but to the taxpayers and to a government that’s never able to meet it’s “generous” obligations. Liberal/progressive/socialist policies have brought America to near destruction. It’s time to put an end to this experiment in European governance and return to our roots.

    America works when most of the people are able to care for themselves rather than relying on their neighbors and fellow citizens. America was a safer place to live when intact families taught their children good values, demanded performance in their schooling, and had high expectations for their futures. These are the values that underpin conservatism. These are the values that lead to prosperity and opportunity for all people. These are the values that help to sustain us even through difficult situations. These are the values shared by our founders who understood what it was to live under the tyranny of power at the top.

    Dewey, you don’t have a clue.

    America is a generous nation. Strong people can afford to be generous.

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