Post Scripts is a Free Speech Site

Noted:  Every now and then we find it prudent to remind folks that Post Scripts is a free speech site and as such, we encourage y-o-u to submit your own articles on any topical subject or subject that is important to you.

We’ve published articles on physics, astro-science, culture, energy and conservation, finance, comedy, military history, art, terrorism, religion, etc., all subjects are fair game.  We only ask that you do not publish deliberately false or misleading information.  Its helpful to cite your credits if at all possible, but pure opinion is okay too.

The best articles are succinct and relevant to the latest in news stories, but if its well written almost any topic is fine by us.  We’re very liberal in that respect.

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3 Responses to Post Scripts is a Free Speech Site

  1. Steve says:

    Jack, would you and Tina be open to me posting a quick blurb about my new book that is publishing October 1st? It’s not political it’s a children’s fantasy book.

  2. Tina says:

    First of all congratulations on the completion of the book, no small task.

    I can’t speak for Jack but I’d be for a front page “blurb” complete with image if you have one.

    • Steve says:

      Tina thank you. I can say that writing a book wasn’t so bad but publishing is an enormous amount of work! I will put together a blurb and you can post it to the front of the blog page if you would like too.

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