Hillary – No Pipeline, Rumors of Illness…and Plenty of Emails

hillary-clinton-blood-clot-head-dangerPosted by Tina

Hillary announced she will oppose the Keystone Pipeline, no surpise there. She’s fallen so badly in polling that she need to start securing special interest group votes. The universal healthcare bunch are teetering sinceBiden may get into the race and Bernie’s platform includes not only universal health care but ending income inequality, free college and paid family leave. That’s a high mountain to climb…who is going to pay for that, year after year, after year? Never mind, Hillary can compete on the mountain with her call for taxpayers to also fund preschool. The far left education agenda is easy enough to determine, it a Cradle to Grave propaganda machine for the radical left! But I digress.

A new book, “Unlikeable — The Problem with Hillary,” by Edward Klein claims that Hillary has some very serious health issues that she is keeping under wraps as she runs for the presidency. Issues include insomnia, depression, and concern about the life threatening blood clot on her brain.

Hillary’s emails were not wiped…not even with a cloth…according to FBI sources! This cannot be good news:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s success at salvaging personal e-mails that Clinton said had been deleted raises the possibility that the Democratic presidential candidate’s correspondence eventually could become public. The disclosure of such e-mails would likely fan the controversy over Clinton’s use of a private e-mail system for official business.

The FBI is investigating how and why classified information ended up on Clinton’s server. The probe probably will take at least several more months, according to the person, who described the matter on condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing and deals with sensitive information.

I don’t know if Hillary’s health is a problem but I do know her radical left platform and her legal troubles make her a terrible candidate for the office she aspires to hold.

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6 Responses to Hillary – No Pipeline, Rumors of Illness…and Plenty of Emails

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Evidently Hillary is trying to woo Dewey back into the fold.

    I laughed when Pope Francis urged people to “flee the temptation of narcissism.”
    Right there in front of Obama! Then I recalled that narcissists do not know that they are narcissists.

  2. Dewey says:

    haha Nice Try Pie, I have never been in the Hilliary Fold, I am an actual Independent. I vote on the issues. I could care less about all this Media Bashing we have bigger problems.

    Secret Trade Deals – leaks show threaten our sovernighty
    Unlimited foreign and domestic money in our elections
    Crumbling infrastructure

    Ya know stuff like that

    And anyone willing to take on the Oligarchy network of the Koch’s adelson, friess, ect ect Has my ear

    The media turns elections into a profit circus

    The system is so corrupted by all this money Both Dems, and Reps need their parties cleaned out

    Watch cause we have some real news coming

    Watch these names

    Dianna Duran New Mexico

    and oh what we may see! Kathlene Kane, PA AG losing her Law lic in 30 days, says she is going to release all the porn and there will be many gov officials in it

    Don siegleman is unfairly in prison because of a Rove coup

    You see sometimes they are innocent but bottom line there is so much corruption the lid is blowing off!

    How can Rick Perry even had a campaign while Indicted?
    Christiegate needs to be Indicted!
    and there is a chance Walker quit early cause maybe just maybe they got him in spite of all the bought out judges. Walker may be going down, he quit too fast

    We are not Germany in the 1930’s. We need to stay United not divided. We are all Americans.

    The last thing I want is for A Bush/Clinton election

  3. Tina says:

    We’re busy keeping “watch” on the Obama, Hillary and Bill, Sibelius, Holder scandals, Dewey. If you’d like to “watch” the others you’re more than welcome to submit articles to Post Script to expose the corruption…this is a free speech blog! Watch away!

  4. Chris says:

    Because it’s not like Edward Klein has ever just made things up about the Clinton’s before.


    But apparently, making things up about people is a-OK on this blog.

    • Post Scripts says:

      “But apparently, making things up about people is a-OK on this blog.” Chris

      Chris, we are all individuals and as such we are responsible for what we say. PS makes an honest attempt to monitor the content of comments as best we can, but we’re not prefect. Sometimes we miss things. We try to focus on our articles to make sure they are correct. -jack

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Required reading: Investigators, State Department Release New Hillary Emails

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