CIA Chief Hacked!

by Jack Lee

Of course it’s not illegal for high ranking government officials to use private email accounts, they do it all the time. But, I find it disturbing that the Director of the CIA would be using his AOL account for sensitive personal information, like his social security number and a 48 page CIA security application.

Breaking news today: An [alleged] teenager claims to have broken into that account and he’s posted some of John Brennan’s information online to prove it. Last week, the New York Post was contacted by “Cracka” who claimed hand and a friend hacked into Brennan’s account by “tricking workers at Verizon into providing Brennan’s personal information and duping AOL into resetting his password.” No “Top Secret” information was said to be on the AOL account, however, it makes one wonder about how up to speed Mr. Brennan is about high tech… geez, an AOL email account? Somebody should tell him we have really good encryption to prevent this sort of thing and AOL is for old geezers, not spy chiefs.

BrennanObama appointed Mr. Brennan after he met with him in the White House. At that time Brennan praised Obama’s high standards for blocking “enhanced” interrogation tactics in Iraq and elsewhere and that put him in good standing. Unfortunately for us, Brennan sounds like another lying bureaucrat that is willing to say anything to climb that next rung on the promotion ladder.

To add insult to injury to this CIA embarrassment, about a month ago the O man struck up an agreement with the Chinese to stop hacking us. In a special meeting with the Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang, Obama used his charm and authority to convince Chairman Keqiang to halt these ever increasing cyber-war attacks and theft of our intellectual property! However, one day later they hacked us again. “Doh!!!” Oh, and they’ve hacked us three times since then with the latest happening today. All hack attacks were traced back to a familiar place, the Chinese Army’s cyber-warfare division.

Can you imagine the laughter behind Obama’s back when Keqiang told his staff about Obama’s meeting? Under Obama this nation has become a laughing stock. Obama’s made so many blunders I’ve honestly lost count. Well, this was another one. We can place this “Non-hacking agreement” with Iran’s “Non-nuclear proliferation agreement” in the round file.

Obama is such a fool. Is it any wonder that the Chinese are rooting for another liberal Democrat to take over in 2016? And look at the fine progressive idiots the Dems have lined up for us, Hillary, Bernie and Biden, aka Larry, Moe and Curly.

Obama Administration – Worst in history. Barack Obama – Worst President in history.

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6 Responses to CIA Chief Hacked!

  1. dewey says:

    First line here “It’s not illegal for high ranking government officials to use private email accounts,”
    I thought they passed a law just a bit ago?

    Anyway with the average Joe being hired by NSA private contractors you realize all emails, cell phone calls, ect ect go to a database with very little protection still.

    Security? No there is none. Heck the Chinese can hack the computer in your car and listen in! Your smart TV records your voice! There is no internet protection. very very little and we have opened lots of backdoors for the world with the surveillance of our citizens …..

    I do remember PBO saying we were vulnerable.

    As Long as we have this surveillance and collection of data there is a wide highway for hacking.

    You would think national Security would require computers used here to be made here! But that is not good for the wall street multi-nationalists! Phishing software is inside all kinds of computers to start with!

  2. Libby says:

    No where near.

    An AOL account? Really? How quaint.

    I’m telling you, Jack. Your over-reaction to just about anything that comes out of the OA, transcended rational bounds ages ago.

    For instance, you do recall that the Chinese have hacked federal databases up, down, left, right, and sideways, several times already. And vice versa, I have no doubt.

    To find this instance particularly heinous … is … is not rational.

    I feel bad for the kid. He thinks he’s been terribly clever, but such terribly clever boys can wind up in the federal pen. And this is something I fault the OA for.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, I thinks Brennan should have let his IT guys provide some helpful firewalls and encryption to protect his identity. I wonder how they (hackers) figured out he was on AOL? AOL is so passé compared to other emails out here. Not sure how I am over-reacting here Libs, it’s jut another ball drop by Team Obama. I think under a stronger leader this cyber-warfare game on the United States would come to an end. But, at the moment we are just chumps to be toyed with. I’m not thrilled about the fact China can hack us at will and disrupt so many things and cause so much frustration. I’m sure they think its incredibly funny. So, it doesn’t bother at all, huh? You know sometimes an under-reaction can be far worse than an over-reaction?

      As for the hacker being a kid, that remains to be seen.

  3. Tina says:

    I got Jack was disturbed…and maybe a bit amused…that a government official would be so ignorant. The cavalier attitude that plagues many administration officials shouldn’t, one would hope, extend to even the head of the CIA.

    CNN interviewed the hacker who said, “John and Jeh are both very big people and high-ranking people, so, I mean, if we hacked them, they would be ashamed,” he said. “But it was really because the government are killing innocent people, they also fund (Israel) for killing innocent people.” (emphasis mine)

    This kid sounds like a Bernie supporter. He can’t tell the difference between an terrorist attacker and a nation defending itself…geesh!

    I wonder if he knows that injured terrorists have been treated by israeli doctors in Israeli hospitals. Ignorance is all around us.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    I am not buying it. Could a CIA director appointed by Obama be as stupid as Dewey? On the other hand …

  5. J. Soden says:

    Brought to you by the same people who couldn’t build a secure Obumblecare website. And that website is STILL not secure!

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