Prior to Hillary’s Testimony on Benghazi John Bolton Has a Leadership Question

Posted by Tina

John Bolton is an incredibly good man with a long resume of foreign policy service. His opinions are always on point and often reflective of his vast experience. He has the ability to take the politics out of a situation to reminds us of what’s important and why we should care.

Today Bolten shares his thoughts about Hillary’s testimony tomorrow in the hearings on Benghazi and suggests questions that are at the heart of the issue that should be asked of the former secretary of state who aspires to be our next leader.

I urge you to read and consider, “Why Benghazi Still makes a Difference – Hillary Clinton may not see the point, but her Thursday testimony may tell us much about her ability to lead,” in the Wall Street Journal.

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4 Responses to Prior to Hillary’s Testimony on Benghazi John Bolton Has a Leadership Question

  1. Dewey says:

    John Bolton is one of the architects of the Iraq War. Bolton is far from a “Fine Man”

    Never ending War for contractor profit has got to stop. Republicans have so much money for their wars but none for services for the people.

    Bolton was catastrophically wrong, now he is some genius?

  2. Tina says:

    The Iraq war, yes. The Iraq war that was authorized by Democrats and Republicans in Congress, including high ranking Democrat members who sponsored the resolution and with support from 39.2% of Democrats in the House and 58% of Democrats in the Senate.

    High ranking Democrats in the House who supported the war in Iraq included: Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Chris Dodd (D-CT), Joe Lieberman (D-CT), Joe Biden (D-DE), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), JOHN KERRY (D-MA), Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and HILLERY CLINTON!

    High ranking Democrats in the Senate who supported the war in Iraq included: Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Robert Byrd (D-WV), Russ Feingold (D-WI), and Ted Kennedy(D-MA)

    Of course all of these Democrats were for the war before they were against it, politics being more important that the support of the service men and women they sent into war and rather than giving their complete support to winning the war.

    That would be the Iraq war which was an important part of the strategy to win the war by defeating terrorists in many ways and on many fronts. The Iraq war whose lesser purposes were to liberate the Iraqi people from a brutal tyrant who was a supporter of terrorists and establish an allied base of operations within the heart of the Middle East from which the war could be prosecuted.

    This strategy, though difficult in the beginning had by the time GWB’s presidency ended, decimated al Qaeda and created relative stability in Iraq.

    And then we elected a man who had voted to go to war in Iraq but now arrogantly called it a “stupid war” and turned his back on the strategy, the people in Iraq, and the men and women that had sacrificed their lives and limbs for the effort to trot off to Afghanistan and concentrate on a what he hoped would become a legacy item, killing bin Laden. Thanks to a local man we received information that gave Obama that opportunity and our special forces carried out the mission. Obama left gave the local man no protection…he left him to the wolves. What a jerk.

    Today under Obama the Middle East is a mess. Al Qaeda has metastasized. Much of Iraq has been reclaimed by ISIS terrorists. Our allies in the region, realizing America can no longer be counted on for help, have turned to Russia, a nation that allies with Iran, the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the ME. Kerry and Obama have made a deal Iran that got nothing in exchange for allowing billions to be back in the hands of the Iranians to develop weapons and wage war.

    So yes, in terms of a strategy to defeat the terrorist enemy I’d say the strategy created by GWB and his advisers was far superior to the strategy, if you can call it that, of Barack H. Obama.

    To whatever degree John Bolton contributed, he was on the superior team, and yes, I think of him as an extremely serious and competent adviser with respect to foreign affairs and the Middle East.

    Hillary’s testimony today has been duplicitous. On the one hand she claims to be a woman in charge with hands on on a daily basis and in the next breath claims that decisions were made by underlings and she had nothing to do with it. The buck is apparently elusive to this so-called “leader” in the State Department. She’s about as competent and interested as her former boss…not at all!

    Hillary Clinton should NEVER be President of the United States.

  3. Dewey says:

    Epic Fail,

    Bottom Line The GW Admin redacted important info from the white papers delivered to Congress for the vote on the war.

    Really Tina give it up the info is all public. In your world a Democrat is bad just because they are not a Conservative. Yet Republicans can lie, cheat, do whatever they want. That is ridiculous!

    And yet at the end comes the real purpose you do Not Want Hilliary. Well neither do I, however I would vote for her against any of these so called GOP candidates.

    It is a sad day when Republicans prop Carson and Trump in their polls. We need a real investigation on the War and the GW admin. Scandal? No just waste tax dollars on witch hunts trying to win elections. It backfired they propped up Hilliary’s campaign. GOP is embarrassing. Klown Car of TP fools.

    John Bolton? I would love for him to run! Brings up a well needed conversation! War Propaganda and the crimes of the GW Admin, The last conservative president did so good let’s elect another right? Wrong.

  4. Tina says:

    Administrations, both republican and democrat, redact “important information” for good reason, including to protect the identity of people in vulnerable situations in the field or to keep a strategy from the eyes of an enemy. This is a specious accusation.

    In my world the Democrat Party has been taken over by people that don’t respect the Constitution and want to “fundamentally transform” this nation to reflect the Marxist principles they prefer. They are wrong because their ideology brings greater inequality and misery and because they will do anything to achieve their destructive goal. In actuality it makes me sad to see what was once an American political party transformed into an vast activist organization. It makes me sad that so many in our media have joined with the activist party to provide cover for them, to promote them, and to destroy all opposition.

    It is disgusting that the American people are not outraged that the IRS, a powerful arm of the government, could take action against individual citizens: to block participation prior to an election, to share private information with other agencies, to get other agencies to impose fines and harass families and business concerns without cause. it disgusts me that the American people are not interested in serious matters that step on our basic rights. The lack of appropriate response to this and other issues is a direct result of thirty years or more of propaganda that flows from the radical activist Democrat Party, the media and the entertainment industry. Talk about monied interests! Wise up! This party is rolling in big money; it is now the party of the rich and powerful.

    Both republicans and democrats are capable of lying. The difference is that republicans are not protected by the media as Democrats are, as Hillary is and has been, as Bill Clinton has been.

    If there was actual evidence of scandal in the GW war the democrats would pursue it just as they pursued Richard Nixon and the media would make sure they succeeded. As it is they did their best for seven long years to destroy GW and the Republican administration even though Hillary Clinton, who voted to go to war, was privy to all of that “redacted” information having served as co-president in the Bill Clinton era.

    In the Nixon scandal the difference, once again, was that the media, the democrats, AND THE REPUBLICANS, took the matter seriously. Politics WAS set aside. Republicans asked Nixon to step down for the good of the country.

    The Benghazi situation has gotten nothing but a political response from most democrats and the media. You’re all a bunch of phonies!

    The last Republican administration under GWB did a fabulous job compared to the failures of the current democrat activist administration whose legacy includes but is not limited to:

    1. Continuing WAR incompetently to the effect that the enemy has spread throughout the world. Lying to the American people about al Qaeda being decimated, the events surrounding Benghazi, and the Iran deal.

    2. Making the US weak and inadequately responsive…the laughing stock of the world.

    3. Giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies while turning and betraying away from our allies.

    4. Creating the longest period of economic depression since the Great Depression, decimating the middle class and growing the poverty class.

    5. Enacting policies that allow the rich to get richer but provide little opportunity for anyone else.

    6. Growing the size and power of the federal government and using government to politically oppress and harass individual citizens and journalists.

    7. Foisting another big expensive entitlement program, Obamacare, on the American people that does not deliver as promised and is failing.

    8. Creating division by pitting groups of people against each another.

    9. Purposely using bias in the Attorney Generals office to decide which cases to litigate based on race.

    10. Refusing to prosecute when clearly the law has been broken.

    11. Turned our military into a vulnerable unit with ridiculous rules of engagement and using the military as a social experiment.

    12. Pushing expensive, unreasonable regulations through the EPA that destroy or minimize sources of energy that are important to a thriving economy and warmth in the homes of citizens and that destroy jobs.

    13. Engaging in crony capitalism and clandestine investing, Solyndra being the most obvious example but certainly not the only example.

    14. Embraced an open borders policy that puts undue pressure on local services and budgets and opens the door wide to criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists.

    15. Engaged in running guns across the border and putting guns in the hands of dangerous drug cartels, likely as a means of pushing (through a complicit media) a gun control agenda.

    16. Aligning with the United Nations agenda.

    That’s for starters. A Republican, any Republican, would provide a welcome change and greatly improve conditions for people in America and the world.

    Bernie Sanders would not act as the leader of our nation. He would not improve conditions at home or in the world. He would act in the same activist fashion that is the calling card of the radical socialist loving Democrat Party.

    You can call republicans all of the silly names you wish. Hypocrite!!!

    Name calling won’t change the fact that Democrats are not committed to freedom, individual equality, or our Constitution. They are committed to redistribution of wealth, special rights for special groups, division by group, economic policy that favors the wealthy and kills opportunity for the middle and lower classes, laws written by the courts, chaos in the world, and greater power for the elites in government.

    It is you who are wrong Dewey. Like most people that favor the activist Democrats you are an ignorant man. You have no appreciation for the republican form of government we were given nor the superiority of capitalism in terms of the opportunity they afford all people to live in freedom and pursue their dreams.

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