Equal Pay for Women – Obama Proposes Useless New Law

Posted by Tina

The President has conceived of a new regulation that would force businesses of 100 employees or more to report the pay of their employees so the government can determine whether the company is paying men and women at equal rates:

The Obama administration is proposing a new rule that would require companies with more than 100 workers to annually report pay information to the government for employees broken down by gender, race and ethnicity.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Labor Department published the rule in the Federal Register on Friday, the seventh anniversary of the signing of President Obama’s first law, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Although his intentions may be honorable, the method he proposes will not work. Gathering statistics about pay without regard to differences in longevity, experience, work ethic, extended time away for pregnancy or other reasons.

This is the problem with central planning and government intrusion. The information will lead to rhetoric not based in factual information but generalities. It will lead to lawsuits. It will not ofer a legitimate or productive way for anyone to climb the financial ladder.

Obama is playing games during an election cycle…it’s pure political theater.

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10 Responses to Equal Pay for Women – Obama Proposes Useless New Law

  1. Harold says:

    Useless new law, useless old President, sort of goes hand in hand doesn’t it!

    • Tina says:

      You nailed it Harold. I guess it’s fitting that our useless president would indulge in a game of tinker Toys while the economy seems it’s about to take another dive and the world is being toyed with by terrorists.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Anyone want to bet that this new intrusive regulation will wind up in court like many of Obumble’s onerous regulations have?

  3. Dewster says:

    Funny, if there was not a problem we would not even be talking about it.

    Bottom Line when companies are not held to a standard they rip off people. That is a fact. The attack on the American Workers has been going on for decades.

    If a law does not work as expected it can be adjusted. If there is no law the worker gets ripped off.

    Women are the Breadwinners in many families these days.

    This is no longer a country where even 1 income can support a family. The CEO’s are making more in the first month of the year than their employees are in the whole year.

    When there is no regulation at all the worker looses.

    It is a step in the right direction.

    If Congress did something besides try to get rid of Healthcare, Wages, and rail against the American people for the Koch Billionaire network of fascism we would not even be discussing this.

    • Tina says:

      Dewey if there was a problem this won’t solve it. So what you’re saying is that a symbolic gesture is good enough for those women who feel they’ve been cheated. What you’re saying is that results don’t matter only the politics matter.

      Companies are like people. Some are headed by people who will treat their employees well and some are headed by people who run them poorly. Just like unions who are filled with people who work hard and people who goof off on the job, are regularly out or gone, and have won their position and pay according to time served rather than merit or performance. Your bias is complete nonsense!

      There are already hundreds and hundreds of regulations to protect workers.

      There are many reasons that women earn less overall than men. 1. More men work in dangerous high paying jobs 2. More women work at lower paying service oriented jobs. 3. Women are much more likely to take time away from their profession or job to raise children which changes their promotion projection. 4. MOST CEO’s do not make the extremely high pay and benefits that you use as a resentment tool. 5. Most companies pay and promote based on merit, experience, and work ethic…not gender or race.

      The “problem” is made up; it is a political ploy.

      “If Congress did something besides try to get rid of Healthcare, Wages, and rail against the American people…”

      BS. All BS.

      The Congress is attempting to rid the American people of a horrible healthcare law that has made healthcare more expensive, has put undue burdens on healthcare providers, has run doctors out of the profession, has created insurance monopolies, has and will run up the debt, and finally that DOES NOT solve many of the problems it proposed to solve including increasing the number of ensured. It added more people to the medicaid program but raised deductibles so that many paying customers can;t afford to go to the doctor! The law is a piece of garbage that need to be thrown out and replaced with workable solutions!

      Congress has NEVER tried to get rid of wages…never!

    • bob says:

      Bottom Line when companies are not held to a standard they rip off people. That is a fact.

      So that’s a fact, Dewycrat? And governments are angels? Let’s ask the victims of Stalin and Mao. At least with a company I can decide not to do business with them. If you try to not do business with government it is no different than telling the mob you won’t do business with them. The jack boot will come down on your neck.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Evidently I have been banned from Post Scripts. Small matter. Very small.

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