Time to End the Bureaucracy and Dysfunction in DC – Obamacare Co-Ops Hide Losses by Designating Debt as an Asset in Accounting Practices

Posted by Tina

Every couple of years we choose up sides and duke it out for control and power in DC. But the people have not been able to eradicate the fraud and waste or the fractious contention. That’s becasue it isn’t just our leaders who have been compromised and corrupted. It is the bureaucracy that manages the various departments and the taxpayer money we dole out year after year. The people are not being served. Redistribution means the poor eat but it also means they remain a seperate class dependent rather contributing members of society. High taxation in the upper class and business means that money is redistributed but it isn’t invested in a way that would lift the poor or the middle class. Adding to all of this dysfunction is the fact that Washington is a town of dirty tricks and lies and that’s the biggest reason for anger and disgust in the electorate. The people are fed up. A story today regarding, Medicare, Medicade, and Obamacare and accounting practices is just one example of the dysfunction that is killing the American dream…just one example of how DC works for it’s own survival and largess and against the people.

In 2014 twenty-one of twenty-three co-ops claimed they made money on IRS forms. The CEO’s were paid six figure salaries ($427K in New York) and received generous bonuses. Nine of these co-ops collapsed in 2015 and their CEO’s combined compensation was $2.8 million:

New Mexico Health Connections listed net assets of $23.2 million in 2014, though it lost $2.97 million the same year. Every employee of the co-op made over six figures, including CEO Martin Hickey who made $262,874.

The New Mexico co-op is still operating, though it announced last year it was dropping preferred provider plans, limiting individuals who purchase insurance through the co-op to the more restrictive health maintenance organization plans, or HMOs.

Co-ops in Kentucky, Louisiana, New York, Tennessee, Utah, and Oregon listed net assets despite suffering multi-million dollar losses in 2014. All have since folded.

As our the leadership in DC excoriate businessmen and the rich targeting them as the demons of society andpunishing them with onerous regulations and high tax rates the politicians stuff legislation with pork spending and the bureaucracy is instructed to use accounting gimmicks to defraud the people and abuse the trust we place in government to manage our money responsibly. Disgusting and WRONG!

This is exactly why I believe the people, as individuals, are better off with less government. We can manage and use our money to better effect simply because we have to work hard to earn it. When people decide how our own money will be spent we ask questions and look for waste and fraudulant abuses. In a bureaucracy it becomes easy to spend money that someone else generated. It becomes enticing to slice a big chunk off for oneself when the bureaucrats and the leadership turns a blind eye and just keeps feeding you more of other people’s money.

Democrats today honestly believe that big government is the solution to our problems. I believe that individuals, working within our own communities will come up with better solutions to problems for the whole of the community. Whether in education or decisions to pay for infrastructure to reserve water or improve roads…local dollars will be spent more responsibly and well.

The founders wrote the Constitution with individual responsibility and local government in mind. They knew that power, vested in the people, was best utilized at the state and local levels and that the federal government’s best use was the protection of the United States (All of the states). It’s time to elect leaders who understand that power vested in the people is the most dynamic model ever devised. Its time to elect leaders who realize they are servants of the people not rock stars and mafia bosses. Before that can happen even more of the people are going to have to wake up and just say no to big government and the dirty tricks they use to rob us of our hard earned money and our livelihoods.

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15 Responses to Time to End the Bureaucracy and Dysfunction in DC – Obamacare Co-Ops Hide Losses by Designating Debt as an Asset in Accounting Practices

  1. Libby says:

    Sorry, I need my big government to to protect me from the depredations of the capitalists.

  2. Libby says:

    Lordy, did you hear Paul Ryan?

    “This party does not prey on people’s prejudice.”


    Your party has done little else since the days of old Spiro Agnew!

    • Tina says:

      Libby that’s a lie and you know it. Your party has shamelessly made those specious accusations since Agnew, and taught it in schools as truth, when the exact opposite is true.

      The 1964 Civil Rights Act had bi-partisan support but a lot of Democrats voted no…96 in all.

      You and the screeching Hillary have a lot in common. She accuses her opponents of trying to stop minorities from voting and then says she thought that was over when “they” (her party) ended that kind of racism in the sixties.


      She’s exploiting the dumbed down masses who have not been taught the truth. She knows people won’t have learned it was her party that tried to block civil rights legislation in the sixties and members of her party faithful that created the KKK. Hillary also knows it is her party that has the dark, ugly history of severe, sometimes deadly, racial discrimination.

      She also knows that Republicans have a long history of promoting civil rights:

      There is no radical break in the Republicans’ civil-rights history: From abolition to Reconstruction to the anti-lynching laws, from the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Civil Rights Act of 1875 to the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, and 1964, there exists a line that is by no means perfectly straight or unwavering but that nonetheless connects the politics of Lincoln with those of Dwight D. Eisenhower. And from slavery and secession to remorseless opposition to everything from Reconstruction to the anti-lynching laws, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1875, and the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, there exists a similarly identifiable line connecting John Calhoun and Lyndon Baines Johnson. Supporting civil-rights reform was not a radical turnaround for congressional Republicans in 1964, but it was a radical turnaround for Johnson and the Democrats.

      I’d challenge Hillary Clinton to produce those republicans she claims are attempting to stop people with the legal right to vote from voting based on their minority status but she’d just lie again. …or maybe bark. She can’t produce a single person…not one.

      Put a sock in it Libby.

  3. Jess says:

    What are you complaining about? After all, you get to keep your policy and the cost of it went down and you get to keep your doctor. Honest! 🙂

  4. Dewster says:

    Less Government? No we need to clean out the gov!

    I do not want to be ruled by the Elite corporatist’s who put greed above even the human right to drink water.

    You guys spew all this less government while electing politicians who really are about more corrupt government.

    You want to tell women what healthcare they can have. WHo can be married. This whole less government crap is a sham. Corporate rule and no protection for the people. Everything must be privatized so our tax dollars are used to create wealth for the corrupt fascists.

    Bullpucky! You want to dictate to all ….your ideology the same one that has failed America for decades.

    Dictating to people is not freedom. Not less Gov it is more gov! What you really mean is no rules for corporations and draconian laws for humans.

  5. Tina says:

    Dewey you continue to lie about what “we want.” The voters of either party can only vote for those who run. They run on ideas they must attempt to further. They can’t always deliver and have often disappointed. Having said that there is a huge difference between the parties ideals.

    Democrats are in favor of big government with power vested in the federal government elites. Bernie, your candidate is an avoid socialist which, by definition, means his interest s in taking from those who produce to give to those who do not produce…redistribution on a major scale. His tax plan signals the taking of wealth and profits. that’s why you like him. You naively think he would “level” incomes. In reality he would further decimate the middle class and force the wealthy to pull back investment and earnings to avoid paying his punishing tax. Hillary is only slightly better…she’s a corporate player on steroids. Democrat policies result in more service jobs, particularly government jobs and diminished wealth building manufacturing jobs.

    Republicans believe in limited government with power concentrated as close to the people as possible. We are capitalist who favor a robust private sector which is where jobs of all kinds are created and wealth and abundance result from growth. Limited government with reasonable, non-intrusive regulations and competitive tax rates will naturally diminish lobbying. Lobbyists and corporatism occur for the most part when businesses have to defend against unreasonable taxes and regulations.

    With those things in mind it’s easy to see that your logic doesn’t work. If government is less intrusive corporations influence goes away. Corporations don’t have the power to “rule” over you. They cannot pass laws, they cannot tax, they cannot throw you in jail. The government can.

    We ask nothing of women that we don’t ask of any other citizen. We ask that they be responsible. No live aborted babies stuck in a closet and left to die without food and water. No bleeding mothers in serious trouble because a hospital isn’t nearby. No unwanted pregnancies. Women have control over these very reasonable concerns and it is adolescent to dismiss them and try to make Republicans out as monsters for demanding they do the responsible thing. Conservative Republicans would put the issue of abortion in the hands of individual states…power as close to the individual as possible. Let the people in individual states decide on abortion. That way eople can also vote with their feet.

    The republican Party is diverse. Some Republicans support marriage between same sex partners. Others are offended that the gay community had to change the definition of marriage to further their idea, which amounts to “dictating” what marriage is. We believe marriage is a necessary contract,not a right. We believe that the family that results from male female unions must be supported by the state because it is the cornerstone of civil society. We also believe that gay couples, who have chosen a different lifestyle (civil unions), deserve to benefit from government programs in the same way as traditional married couples.

    “What you really mean is no rules for corporations and draconian laws for humans.”

    Your fears do not represent truth. In fact they are built on a pack of lies and upside down thinking.

  6. Libby says:

    Jess, name me one, government depredation, that is.

    First one comes to my mind is back when BushCo sent all those Walmart Assistant Managers off to the Middle East to have limbs blown off. But as BushCo was doing Big Oil’s bidding … and we were able to make them stop … I’m not sure this counts.

    But all those people living on the street, today, now, that Jack complains about all the time … it’s a long and complicate tale of societal woe, but can be distilled down to two words: Goldman Sacks.

    Obama wouldn’t touch ’em, Hillary won’t, but Bernie might.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, oh you are always looking for the whipping boy aren’t you? Now it’s Goldman-Sachs. I love it. Before that it was Haliburton… or Bushco, whatever. lol

      The leftwing liberal nujobs are so quick to sell labels to the public aren’t they? Now it’s the big evil Goldman Sachs…whoooahahahaha! Give us a break. Why are liberals always trying to avoid responsibility for their own shortcomings? Well sweety, Bush has been out of office for 8 years, and this dunce Obama has no excuses for his misconduct and your excuses are wearing just as thin. Hey, its time you own it Libby. You own the current racial division, you own the anger that brought Trump to the top of the candidates list, you own our nation’s financial disaster (debt), you own our foreign policy (or lack thereof) and dozens of other things that ALL came from your stupid leftist agenda bent on converting America into a 3rd garbage dump filled to the brim with takers and no givers…. what a world that would be. lol

    • Tina says:

      What a bag of horse hockey you spew, Libby. Fairy tales stuck together with bubble gum.

      The number of limbs blown off under progressive BHO, and his onerous PC rules of engagement, are even more regrettable due to the fact that there is no defined mission or strategy…in fact we have lost much of what was gained!

      Don’t wag that witchy finger at Bush, lady, your party’s golden boy policies are a disgrace!

      September 2013, The 12-Year War: 73% of U.S. Casualties in Afghanistan on Obama’s Watch

      Your party is also a disgrace when it comes to information and lies

  7. Libby says:

    Don’t escape into bogus literalism. I don’t write epics, but it would be worth your while to learn about how housing is financed in this country. You make me Emperor, and the REIT is banned.

    This is why there are no places for all those grubby people to cheaply shelter.

  8. Libby says:

    Oh, Lordy … again. I just thought, back when those Spiro Repugs came up with their “Southern Strategy” Ryan may not yet have been born.

    Still, I like my politicians to know their history.

  9. Dewster says:

    Good News! The Republicans have found a way to dismantle it for Ins investors piece by piece!

    First up bring back pre existing so they can throw everybody off their policy in real emergency!

    Now we know Paul Ryan will not be the convention Superman cause it would interupt this little plan if it went into election politics!

    They all work for big Pharma Democrats included! Profits before life!

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