What Happened to Us?


Posted by Jack

During the 3-1/2 years of World War II that started with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December of 1941 and ended with the surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945, “We the People of the U.S.A. ” produced the following:

22 aircraft carriers

8 battleships

48 cruisers

349 destroyers

420 destroyer escorts

203 submarines

34 million tons of merchant ships

100,000 fighter aircraft

98,000 bombers

24,000 transport aircraft

58,000 training aircraft

93,000 tanks

257,000 artillery pieces

105,000 mortars

3,000,000 machine guns and

2,500,000 military trucks

We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services, invaded Africa, invaded Sicily and Italy, won the battle for the Atlantic, planned and executed D-Day, marched across the Pacific and Europe, developed the atomic bomb and, ultimately, conquered Japan and Germany.

Compare that to our long battle in Congress to come up with a simple and easy way to pay our income tax and we still haven’t fix it.   Even worse, compare all the failures of our elected officials to reform or fix anything that “we the people” actually wanted during the same time.  Those epic failures would exceed the sum of the great triumphs of WWII and WWI.  So what does that say about us, as a country and as voters now?

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3 Responses to What Happened to Us?

  1. RHT447 says:

    Indeed. This speaks volumes—


    From the article: “…. particularly in a modern context where some students never learn cursive, …”.

    If the ability to write and READ cursive is lost, then following generations will have to rely on someone else’s transcription of our founding documents, which I’m sure will be faithfully accurate to every last comma, crossed “t”, and dotted “i”. Yeah, right.

    Are you not entertained? Are some animals not more equal than others?

  2. RHT447 says:

    Just a few more numbers. At peak production, the Kaiser Shipyards in Richmond launched three liberty ships in a single day. The Willow Run plant in Michigan was producing 640 B-24 heavy bombers a month.

  3. Tina says:

    Quite a few from the WWII generation were apologetic and embarrassed that they had never gone beyond the eighth grade. And yet they were prepared at that age to assume adult responsibility and had the skills and sense of adult responsibility needed to win that war. They went on to invent and build the most successful and prosperous nation on earth, a nation that has also been the most charitable on earth. Men that were barely into their early twenties stepped up to make difficult adult decisions in the trenches and on the seas, and from the air to stop the march of fascism and imperialism of the German and Japanese governments. Later they would also win by standing strong against the threats of communism by China and the USSR.

    The generations that followed seem he77 bent on rebelling against a winning model and instituting ideals and polices that mirror the policies of these failed regimes. Sadly these “imagined” choices are pushed as fixes in the name of “social justice,” the most insidious false choice ever constructed…our choices are two: democratic socialism or the fascism of Hitler and Mussolini or the communism of Joseph Stalin1953-1964, Nikita Khrushchev1964-1982, and Chairman Mao.

    Time to get back to the fundamentals of America, the ideals that shaped the WWII generation.

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