Oh Boy…Soros Scores Again

Posted by Tina

Ive been doing my best over the past couple of years to warn about the very amoral investor and political manipulator, Mr. George Soros. The news of his latest acquisition today only added fuel to my contempt for the man and his financial and political manipulations:

Look Who’s Buying IndyMac, by Larry Anderson The American Thinker

** The FDIC has just announced that a consortium of private equity and hedge fund firms would be buying IndyMac. IndyMac was an independent “bridge bank” spun off of Countrywide Mortgage in the late 90s.

IndyMac acted as a “bridge bank” to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. *** George Soros is in on the deal to buy IndyMac from the FDIC. Soros has a long history of making loads of money by first creating a financial crisis and then stepping in to grab up the bargains. Perhaps the most famous example of this tactic is “Black Wednesday,” when Soros nearly sunk the entire economy of Great Britain through currency speculation. *** George Soros has helped bankroll the campaigns of the Democrats in Congress who created this mess. Now, it appears, he is cashing in on his investment. **

Hmmmm…In September of 2007 I wrote about this man and his political aims in a piece titled, Money & Campaigning Under the Legal Radar. The piece cited an article by Investors Business Daily that revealed the following:

** Through networks of nongovernmental organizations, Soros intends to ruin the presidency of George W. Bush “by any legal means necessary” and knock America off its global pedestal. “His view of America is so negative,” says Sen. Joe Lieberman, who, like Gen. David Petraeus, has been a target of Soros’ electoral “philanthropy.” “The places he’s put his money are . . . so destructive that it unsettles me.” Soros’ aim seems to be to make the U.S. just another client state easily controlled by the United Nations and other one-world groups where he has lots of friends. **

In January of 2008 I warned about Soros in my article, The Soros Connection. His connection to Democrats and his associations and involvements in the Hedge Fund Industry were all too cozy, convenient, and pointed. This piece featured an AIM article:

** Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama favor government support for people losing their homes because they cant repay their subprime mortgages. But what about the financial wheeler-dealers in the hedge fund industry who may stand to make billions of dollars from this terrible debacle? Foremost among them is billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros, who has committed his life and immense financial resources to bringing the Democrats to power in the White House. *** Ties to the controversial and mysterious hedge fund industry could become a major problem for the Democratic Party. Hedge fund money appears to be tilting toward the Democrats of late, the New York Times reported last year. *** The connection is personal. Chelsea Clinton took a job in 2006 with Avenue Capital Group, a hedge fund whose founder, Marc Lasry, has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the national Democratic Party and many of its candidates. Federal Election Commission records show $5,000 from Lasry to HILLPAC, Hillarys political action committee, thousands more to Hillarys senate campaign, and thousands more to Hillarys presidential campaign. *** The hedge fund that employed John Edwards markedly expanded its subprime lending business while he worked there, becoming a major player in the high-risk mortgage sector Edwards has pilloried in his presidential campaign. Edwards claimed he didnt know anything about the firms involvement in subprime lending. *** (Soros) is a financial manipulator, convicted of illegal insider trading in France for playing financial games with a bank there. *** We also know that he spent over $20 million trying to defeat George Bush for president in 2004 and has contributed to such groups as the Democratic National Committee, MoveOn.org, and candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Soros, in short, is a major financial backer of the Democratic Party and will be in a position to collect on these debts if Hillary or Obama wins in November. **

Later that same month I posted this piece:

** The economy following the Bush tax cuts has been smokinhumming along at a great clipbut we havent heard much about it. The incredible good news was not worth printing or talking about. Republicans would get the credit, you see, and we cant have that. But sometime about mid summer 2007 the election began and so did the economic bad news. We experienced silence on the subject and then suddenly, the most horrendous gloom and doom you can imagine. Today some outlets are talking 1929another Great Depression. Is that reasonable or is it designed to signal the need for a political savior? *** Economic cycles are not unusual. Errors made in financial institutions happen, and this time they played a big part in the housing bubble as well as the burst. Whether or not there were intentional dirty ticks involved is an issue I can’t address but, in any case, it isnt these facts I wish to consider. Instead, I hope to demonstrate the way facts are used to manipulate the mood of the voters. I believe voters can handle the truth…I just hate to see them manipulated and used. *** I will go on record today as saying, that if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama are elected, the economic bad news will melt away and the sun will come out, almost as if by magic. Why do I take this chance when there are indeed very real economic problems to be solved? Because, as I said, Im not talking about real economic problems but rather the way they are used to crown or club certain people (and parties) in America. *** On Wednesday, billionaire socialist George Soros penned a piece for London’s Financial Times suggesting the era of capitalist dominance is coming to a screeching halt: “The current crisis is the culmination of a superboom that has lasted for more than 60 years,” he declares. *** Could he be right? Well, here’s Soros testifying to Congress in 1998, during the greatest economic boom in history: “The global capitalist system . . . is coming apart at the seams.” *** Sorry, George. It wasn’t then, and it isn’t now. Yet Soros has made billions making financial bets against the West, mainly America, then bad-mouthing its economy for all to hear. **

Now back to IndyMac…recall that statement made by Senator Chuck Schumer in May of 2008; a statement considered to have compelled a run on the bank causing its failure:

Chuck Schumer, bank killer, by Ed Morrissey HotAir blog

** Two weeks ago, Schumer publicly released a letter he had written to regulatory agencies, demanding action to prevent IndyMacs collapse. Instead of shoring up the bank, the letter induced depositors to make a run on the bank. Within days, over $1.3 billion in deposits disappeared, forcing the FDIC to close the bank and pay off the insured deposits. *** That move cost American taxpayers billions of dollars. Dont forget to thank Uncle Chuck when you have a chance. **

His unusual statement was much like yelling fire in a movie theater! Schumer, out of the blue, helped push the bank into the dumper. Why? Soros said it best…to ruin or bring down the Bush presidency “by any legal means necessary”. It is my personal opinion that Soros had read the tea leaves, found certain weaknesses in the market and then proceeded, with the help of his friends in high finance and politics, to give them a very big shove. I dont think he expected the damage to run quite as deep as it has but I dont think it bothers him one bit that it has either. His own personal sense of power and control, and his sordid ambition, are all that matter.

Now that his goals of severely damaging Bush and putting Democrats in control of American government have been realized look for him to push in ways that help to repair the damage and fascilitate recovery. While you’re at it, look for the media to anticipate bright and shiney things for America’s economy. Sometime after Jauary 20th, but not so soon as to arouse suspicion, little snippets will begin to appear. Ha! The progressives have the whole enchilada…what else would they do?

All we have to combat this monster is our ability to become well informed and our votes. We’ll have to wait two years to exercise our right to vote again but the former is an every day responsibility. Please do whatever it takes to stay informed…we at Post Scripts intend to do our part.

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