Bill Richardson Bows Out

Posted by Tina

Richardson exits Cabinet due to probe, by Mike Allen and Amie Parnes – Politico

** New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson plans to withdraw as President-elect Barack Obamas nominee for secretary of commerce because of ‘unanswered questions” about a federal grand jury investigation back home, Democratic officials said Sunday. *** Obama accepted the withdrawal with regret, an official said. *** The grand jury has

been investigating pay-to-play allegations concerning a New Mexico state contract awarded to a California firm that has contributed to three political committees formed by Richardson, The Associated Press reported last month. *** A source close to Richardson told Politico, “There are too many unanswered questions and while he thinks the results of the grand jury will turn out in his favor, he doesn’t want to distract attention from the administration.” *** In a statement first reported by NBCs Andrea Mitchell, Richardson said: “Let me say unequivocally that I and my administration have acted properly in all matters and that this investigation will bear out that fact. But I have concluded that the ongoing investigation also would have forced an untenable delay in the confirmation process.” *** A Senate aide told Politico there was “nervousness” within the Senate and more specifically the Senate Commerce Committee about the grand jury probe in recent weeks. **

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