By Bruce Sessions

********** FRIDAY SPECIAL *************


Attorney General Jerry Brown said he would defend Proposition 8 before the state Supreme Court. He took the oath of office to support and defend the Constitution, so we certainly wouldnt expect anything less. But, that was thenthis is now. Jerry Brown has changed sides.

He now says hell support the homosexual communitys attempt to overturn voter approved Proposition 8. He filed a brief with the Supreme Court which states in effect that all Californians have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore, if Proposition 8 stays in our constitution, it would deprive the homosexual community of its liberty to pursue happiness.

If the high court agrees with Brown, imagine the doors it would open. Child predators want to pursue happiness, too —and theyre happy when they can molest little boys without fear of getting caught and punished. To deprive them of that behavior would be to deny them their liberty and happiness.

The same could be said of any man wanting two wives, or three, or four, or more. And how about those who find happiness in the behavior of bestiality? Theyre happiest when engaged in sex with animals, or a park bench! To deprive them of that would be to interfere with their liberty, something the attorney general says would violate their constitutional right to happiness.

Make no mistake! Jerry Brown threw his lot in with the homosexual crowd for one reason and one reason only! He wants to be governor (again) and his democrat rival is San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, the darling of the homosexual community.

Unless Brown wins the democrat primary in 2010, the chance to become governor again will have melted away like the proverbial snowball in hell. Jerry Brown must out-homosexual Gavin Newsom. Hell go before the supreme court in March and fight to overturn the will of the majority of California voters.

California is the thirtieth state in the union to amend its constitution to maintain the margins of marriage to be one man and one woman. It took the votes of whites, blacks, Asians, Indians, Latinosand when all the votes were counted, the majority approved Proposition 8. The margins of marriage should not be changed to accommodate a group based on its preferred sexual behavior.

Homosexuals already have equal rights. They can marry anyone of the opposite sexjust like the rest of us.

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