By Bruce Sessions

********** FRIDAY SPECIAL *************

abruce.jpg I had planned on using this column to answer some of the left-wingers (read Libby) comments regarding last weeks column Demise of Prop 8? However, that will take a back seat; because of something far more important.

You see, I was mesmerized by Jacks pop quiz regarding some questions of a military nature. I thought it was a great idea. I took the test and, of course, I aced it. Its always easy to ace a test when the answers are attached to the test. Im sure everyone that took it, aced it. Jack is Army, and I have to assume thats the way things are done in the Army.

However, in the Navy, it was considered unacceptable to give a test along with the answers. We felt such a procedure would give those taking the test a distinct advantage. I realize the Army may need that extra advantage, but in the Navy, we relied on the intelligence of the test taker to complete the answers to the test BEFORE passing out the answer sheets.

So, I decided wed take another test, but wed do it the Navy way. You see, theres an ol saying in the Navy: Theres a right way, a wrong way and the Navy way.

So, for all you veterans out there, whether you be salts, grunts, flyboys or jar headshere ya go:

1. The word SEALS stands for what?

2. In the Navy, when is a left-handed salute permissible?

3. When in uniform, but uncovered, whats the rule regarding saluting.

4. There is but one place in the entire world where Navy Seals receive basic training. Where is it?

5. What is meant by UDT?

6. There are three aircraft carriers anchored in the harbor. One is a CVA, one is a CVN, and one is an LPH. Whats the difference?

Okay, thats enough. I was going to ask a final question regarding the official designation of a HumVee. But I forgot the answer two minutes after hanging up the phone with the person who had the answer. Ive noticed that my memory isnt as sharp as it used to be. And did I mention my memory isnt as sharp as it used be?

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