When Progressives Are Boss

Posted by Tina

I saw a story in the news today that immediately brought to mind Libbys response to The Boss. The article is about government rather than employers but youll recognize the same general position, that someone else (the taxpayers) should bear the burden of other peoples personal responsibilities and wants. Libby wrote:

…if you (the boss) funded my kids’ schooling, paved my streets, cleaned my drinking water, and otherwise made my life healthy and prosperous … well you just go to it.

Her comment is a very good illustration of progressive thought. The telling part of the comment is the last where she says otherwise make my life healthy and prosperous.

Progressives believe that lifes little expenses should be paid for by group. In reality, however, group turns out to be somebody else with more rather than share and share alike. The end result is that some people pay and others dont and the people who pay also get to have their own preferences, rights, and free will or expression trampled upon in the process:

Pro-Abortion Groups Post Wish List on Obamas Web Site, by Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer CNS News

** A coalition of pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood, the National Organization for Women, the Guttmacher Institute, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the American Civil Liberties Union, have posted a reproductive health wish list on the Obama Transition Team Web site, change.gov. *** The list outlines the steps the groups think the next president should take during his first 100 days in office to promote and fund abortion in America and around the globe. *** Increasing Title X Family Planning Funding, which funds Planned Parenthood and others on the list, from $300 million in fiscal year 2009 to $700 million in 2010. *** Federal funding of abortions for Medicaid-eligible women, federal employees and their dependents, residents of the District of Columbia, Peace Corp volunteers, Native American women and women in federal prisons. *** Reduce the cost and increase availability of contraceptives for women on college campuses. *** Rescind the so-called Global Gag Rule, or Mexico City Policy first implemented by President Ronald Reagan in 1989, to allow federal funding of programs in foreign countries that promote or perform abortions. *** De-fund abstinence-only programs. *** Increase federal funding of international family planning programs from $461 million in fiscal year 2009 to $1 billion for 2010. *** Remove age restrictions — which is now 18 or older — for access to over-the-counter emergency contraceptives. *** Create the first-ever comprehensive sex education program that is paid for by federal dollars. *** Calls on Congress to pass the Freedom of Choice Act, which would strike down all state and federal laws that restrict abortion and make federally funded abortions available in all 50 states. *** Reverse the Health and Human Services Federal Refusal Rule, which protects health care professionals who are morally opposed to promoting or providing abortions. *** Appoint judges who support Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion. **

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