Sunday Evening Classic

Posted by Tina

If you need a little reminder about the source of American greatness read the following article. Mr. Graham points out there are things that run much deeper than our sagging economy, troubling wars or even out ceremonies and traditions:

A great nation rises in the worst of times, by Michael Graham Boston Herald

** Captain Chesley Sullenberger III faced a scenario that would embarrass the writers of 24. A packed plane, both engines out, over Americas largest population center, with no place to land but a nearly frozen river. *** But his wife finds the national hero talk a little weird. He was just doing his job. *** That is such an American phrase. Its heard often from cops who kick in doors in our worst neighborhoods and Marines who patrol worse ones in Iraq. Americans who do exceptional things nearly every day, and dismiss it as mundane. *** If you believe the worst about Americans, youd expect Thursdays crash to create a mob of greedy, selfish jerks clawing away for the first shot at an exit. Instead, passengers reported that it took just a single cry of Women and children first! and total strangers facing possible drowning stepped aside to let mothers and their infants pass. **

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