Who Will Pick Up the Tab?

Posted by Tina

“the state is a great fiction by which everybody tries to live at the expense of everybody else.” – French economist Frederic Bastiat

Where Stimulus Is Not Necessary – IBD

** In 2008, government payrolls topped 22 million. At the same time, manufacturing and construction payrolls fell to nearly 20 million. In the latest employment report, government was one of only two major sectors of the economy to show job growth. This is not a healthy trend. *** For every additional worker employed by a government at some level, there is one fewer worker who can contribute to real economic growth. *** Despite claims to the contrary, governments and their employees cannot force economies to grow by growing themselves. They are unable to create wealth. Instead, they seize wealth through taxes, depriving the private sector of the capital needed for growth, and regulate commerce often to the point of obstructing progress. **

Are you young? Do you work or hope to work one day? How many government employees and recipients of government redistribution will you be able to carry on your back? Think about it…that number is about to get bigger and it’s a heavy burden.

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