Fun & Games in Politics

Posted by Tina

IN 2004, George W. Bush continued dividing America with his divisive policies by divisively winning the election with 50.7 per cent of the vote. In 2008, Barack Obama united the entire world in a unifying spirit of unity by winning with 52.9 per cent of the vote. That 2.2 per cent makes a massive difference, apparently. Tim Blair, Daily Telegraph (Sidney, AU) **

** During the hothouse days of the presidential campaign, Joe Wurzelbacher became famous because he got Barack Obama to confess that he likes to spread the wealth around. Better known as Joe the Plumber, the Toledo, Ohio, laborer became the target of bottomless venom and scorn because he seemed like an obstacle to Obamas coronation. One of the main talking points, particularly among left-wing bloggers, was that Wurzelbacher was a tax cheat. – Jonah Goldberg, NRO

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