Absolutely Unreasonable Political Greens

Posted by Tina

The people need oil as an interim source of fuel until viable alternatives can act as a replacement. America needs to free herself of dependence on hostile foreign sources of oil. Oil companies, for their part, have been willing to bend over backwards to accommodate the concerns expressed by environmentalists. Id like to offer kudos to the green groups that recently made an agreement with Plains Exploration & Production Co. The company was hoping to drill off the coast of Santa Barbara but now politicians in California and Washington are set to undermine the plan:

Offshore Calif. drilling deal could be scuttled, by Noaki Schwartz AP

** LOS ANGELES — An agreement paving the way for the first oil drilling off the California coast in nearly 40 years has run into unexpected opposition that may sink it altogether Thursday. *** The plan, which could be worth billions, was announced last year by an unusual alliance of environmentalists and a drilling company. But supporters were blindsided by sudden opposition recently after it sailed through local approval and reached the state level. *** The proposal hinges on a commitment from key environmental groups to lobby for expanded drilling off Santa Barbara if Plains Exploration & Production Co. would help fund hybrid buses, set aside thousands of acres of land and – most importantly – end all its local drilling by 2022. *** “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said attorney Linda Krop, who negotiated on behalf of three lead environmental groups. “If people really want to protect the coast from offshore oil and gas development, this is the best opportunity to do that.” *** State and federal lawmakers from California to Washington, D.C., are now challenging the plan, saying it could invite more offshore drilling along the California coast and undermine efforts to reinstate a federal drilling moratorium that was lifted by the Bush administration. **

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