Islamic Outreach Across America

by Jack

A few days back there was a Muslim outreach program called, “Meet a Muslim.”   I think that is a great idea.  There is nothing better than calm, reasoned dialog between Americans.  Sadly, it’s becoming rather rare to have a calm, reasoned dialog…seems like American’s are divided over religion, race, ethnicity, politics, wealth and more.

So, I say kudos to those American-Muslims.  It’s a good first step and perhaps its long overdue.  But, as much as we need to understand them, it’s got to be a two way street.

They must accept that the current concerns about Muslim’s did not just appear out of a vacuum yesterday.   There are genuine issues, monumental issues, to over come that were not of non-Muslim’s making.  There are issues of civil rights and domination that  give us angst and reason for mistrust.   It would be absurd for anyone to say, “Oh, these are just your paranoid Islamaphobic delusions, we’re not like that!”  Well, maybe you are not, but you belong to a global religion this embraces many things obectionable to Westerners. We   have serious, well founded concerns about Sharia law, Wahabbism (fanatics) and about Islamic values that run counter to America’s idealism and notion of inalienable rights.

Granted, American born Muslims tend to have much more liberal view of life than their brothers and sisters in the Middle East.  That’s great too, this is enlightened thought, but I want all American’s to be able to embrace our Constitution and our Bill of Rights as their own heritage, their own legacy to hand off to future generations and this includes our recent Muslim immigrants.

Look, I don’t want to start naming off examples of where immigrant Muslim’s or American born Muslims have committed atrocities against us in the name of Islam, you know them probably than I, because that really won’t advance where I want to take this conversation.

What I want to see is demonstrable acts of patriotism.  I want to see more dialog like the following: “Amid the country’s current political climate, can open dialogue be the key to debunking misconceptions about a group of people?

One youth organization is hoping the answer is “yes.” On Saturday, Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA), a nationwide group, hosted its inaugural National #MeetAMuslim Day across 50 cities and 120 locations — from New York to San Diego — to encourage people to ask Muslims questions.”

This is great, and I say keep it up and remember that America was founded on the melting pot concept.   We did not arrive as the greatest nation on earth because we have sub-cultures, but by having American communities and patriotic citizens; and by that I mean people who understand and appreciate all that our system has to offer, despite its flaws, despite our political differences, etc.    I just want to see us uniting around our core values as our founders saw them.   There is far more that could unite us than divides us, if you give us a fair chance.



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18 Responses to Islamic Outreach Across America

  1. Libby says:

    “There are issues of civil rights and domination ….”

    Again, horsepucky. I mean, this is just irrational. Cite me an example of Islamic “domination” in Chico … or anywhere else in the country, for that matter. Who the hell is impinging on your civil rights, today, here, now?

    Did you go meet a Muslim? Maybe if you did, you would not be so unreasonably frightened.

    • Tina says:

      Right Libby. Because you find the idea of opposing a religion offensive your solution is to turn a blind eye. But waiting for a crisis is a stupid way to address looming problems. There are organizations operating in America whose objective is to implement Sharia law. One such organization is the Muslim Brotherhood. They have formed a political party for the purpose of gaining power. To imagine they would not press for Sharia law is to be incredibly naive. They do not hide their intentions. To imagine that their efforts will not ultimately create constitutional challenges is also naive. The SC has already faced such a challenge. See here. States that have attempted to get out in front of the problem are finding it difficult because of our freedom laws.

      North Carolina has passed such a bill outlawing “foreign law” from being enforced in state courts. It is of course met by resistance from organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, who have criticized the law as “anti-Sharia,” saying it marginalizes Muslims and prevents them from enjoying equal protections under the law and equal access to the court. Somehow, they feel that they are entitled to using their own laws and codes of justice, and having to live equally under the same laws as the rest of us is discriminatory to them

      I ask you. Are you willing to support Americans living under laws that allow honor killings, death sentences for adultery and prostitution and homosexuality, female genital mutilation, underage arranged marriages, and wife beating?

      This is not something you can avoid indefinitely. It is not something you can pretend isn’t seriously being pushed in some circles. Such movements have a tendency to grow and gain momentum, especially when they are supported and defended by unaware citizens so overly concerned with discrimination that they can’t see the wolf at the door. It’s easy to accuse others of Islamophobia…it’s also cowardly.

      • Libby says:

        “North Carolina has passed such a bill outlawing “foreign law” from being enforced in state courts.”

        The North Carolina legislature is full of nut-bunnies. Isn’t that were all this “bathroom law” idiocy got started? And then the O-man issues his well-meant, but problematic order, and then the paranoia rages nationwide.

        Tina, tell me something … in the average “Ladies Room”, how are you going to be exposed to trans-genitalia? … you’d have climb into the stall with this person. The whole thing makes no bloody sense, and never did.

        If a trans-person is doing their trans-thing, and we are all minding our own business, as a well-brought-up person does in a public bathroom, how the hell are you going to be bothered by what anybody may, or may not, have in their drawers.

        And THERE is a prime example of the government getting into people’s personal business. You never notice when it’s your side doing the intruding.

        But to get back to your plans for intruding in the citizens’ religious life:

        “To imagine they would not press for Sharia law is to be incredibly naive.”

        Well, when it actually happens, we’ll make a law about it. Not before. Besides, we’ve already got a Congress full of fundamentalists trying to tell me when I should and should not have a baby. That is a much more immediate threat to my way of life. Hell, we’ve been fighting off these arrogant religious bigots for 30 years … and the battle will rage under the Bannon/Sessions Assault … but we will persist, prevail, and like that.

        • Tina says:

          The “bathroom law” did not begin with the SC legislature. It began with a bunch of nutcase jackasses like you that cannot tell the difference between male and female genitalia and so decided to impose their ideas while ignoring the rights of others. Remind me again, what percentage of the population needs this suggested “accommodation? Also, don’t try to make this about me and male genitalia. Such a filthy mind you have.

          The objection is about little girls being subjected to the possibility of sexual abuse. It’s about parents trying to explain to their children men use the girls bathroom. This is about teen-aged girls being forced to shower with males in open shower rooms.

          This is also about the exploitation, by the left, of some very troubled people on the pretense of caring.

          Ultimately, this is about the left always pushing the envelope a little farther and disrespecting the sensibilities of others in the process. Sorry lady, but the way you think we should live is NOT the only way and it certainly is not something the rest of America must roll over and accept on your silly say so.

          You are right about one thing…the whole bloody mess makes no bloody sens at all. Talk about fantasy displacing science and common sense!

          Next people who feel like dogs, or cats, or carrots will demand some special accommodation and you’ll be right there calling anyone who objects a “nut bunny.”

          And another thing…it was you guys that tried to impose the change in bathroom etiquette on others. For God’s sake at least own up to it.

          “…to get back to your plans for intruding in the citizens’ religious life”

          Since when is beating your wife or stoning your daughter to death tolerated as part of any acceptable “religious life” in America?

          “Well when it actually happens we’ll make a law about it”

          Sorry Dearie, we already have! It’s in the Constitution…it’s called individual freedom on which hangs a whole lot of other laws. That’s the point. Sharia law is inconsistent with our laws and values.

          Nobody in Congress gives a rats behind when you do or do not have a baby. What they do care about is the right of all babies to LIFE! To be born once conceived. What they are asking of you is that you be responsible. I know that’s a terrible burden for you but good grief you have everything you need to AVOID conception.

          If anyone is ignorant and bigoted it is you. It doesn’t take a scientist to know that in this age you don’t have to fear pregnancy…all it takes is common sense and a little planning. Your excuses are ridiculous.

          Don;t be so sure you will prevail. Young people are not buying that you don’t know it’s a baby…they know you are choosing to end a life you could have avoided making in the first place.

          • Libby says:

            No, darling, you may not lie. It was McCrory, and NC, that originated the ” bathroom bill” … a dubious distinction. Why did you think I would let you get away with that?

  2. Joe says:


    Would you be willing to participate in the Muslim outreach program called, “House a Muslim?”

    There are migrants from the Middle East heading here and they could use a good home. I’m sure you have a spare bedroom you could contribute.

  3. Bryan H. says:

    This is a good cause, and a very fair and well-written article.

  4. Tina says:

    Libby you don’t get to get away with calling me a liar just to cover for your blatant denial.

    Yes, ” It was McCrory, and NC, that originated the ‘bathroom bill’” but that is NOT the origination of this conflict. That is the invention of the jackasses in your party that created the necessity for the bill with the demand for special bathroom accommodations. The bill would never have occurred to McCrory or N. Carolinians had you nuts invented a new special category.

    I wonder where you will draw the line. How nutty is too nutty for you? I suspect as long as you aren’t personally inconvenienced, or asked to personally pony up, anything goes. Even people demanding special rights becasue they believe themselves to be carrots.

    Transgender Man Has Ears and Nose Removed to Become Dragon Lady…fire extinguishers on every corner?

    Woman Claims She’s a Cat Trapped in a Human’s Body…cat litter boxes in every bathroom?

    A good question might be how come so many people today are suffering a crisis of identity. People can do what they want but they should take full responsibility for their quirky choices…they don’t get to bully the world for attention.

    You can’t run away from your party’s activism or the ever growing demands for special treatment for categories of people under the rubric of equal rights.

    • Libby says:

      Tina, your ignorance and prejudice flame as brightly as ever. Seriously, you need to do some reading on the subject … and NOT Breitbart … Psychology Today would be better. The “Trans” have always been with us; now they get to be “out”. This is a good thing, not a bad thing.

      Unless, of course, you are psychologically disposed to be frightened and paranoid … which is YOUR problem to deal with it. You don’t get to repress other peoples anymore, just to make yourself more comfortable.

      • Tina says:

        The field of psychology has been compromised by people who do not identify those with real psychological problems because they’ve normalized every choice and behavior.

        I have no desire to tell anyone how to live…and I wasn’t born yesterday.

        You do talk down your nose to people whose opinions you can’t abide. Your own bigotry and desire to oppress is fairly bright.

        I resent being constantly bullied by a tiny percentage of the population. particularly since it is not they leading the charge. Guilty white liberal heterosexuals are.

        You call this a democracy (in error) but you don’t live by the rules of democracy. Instead you use the courts to force your designs on the people.

        I resent being called paranoid and frightened just because I can tell the difference between a male and a female.

        You know we were all getting along pretty well for a long time, accepting the “lifestyle choices” of others as they came out of the closet, until those people started stepping on the toes of others and refusing to accept their different perspectives and the standards we’ve all lived by and with for generations.

        What’s more insidious and ugly is the heavy weights behind all this sexual and gender activism. Their intention has been clear since at least the thirties and they are simply using these people as pawns in their game to destroy our nation.

        “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” – Joseph Stalin

        He also said, “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”

        Your party uses our education system for the same destructive purpose.

        • Libby says:

          “I resent being constantly bullied by a tiny percentage of the population.”

          I can’t really blame you … but it’s not a tiny percentage. It’s decidedly phenomenal, but between 60 and 70 percent of the nation’s population are on our side of the issue. You know, all we are asking you to do is be polite in public.

          This is why I’m inclined to doubt the Christianity of any number of Christians. This is a first principle: “love your brother as yourself, however peculiar he may be.” We shouldn’t even be arguing about it.

          • Tina says:

            Not true Libby. You may personally be asking that people be polite in public but those pushing the agenda through activism and the courts are bent on something much more sinister, division within the populace and destruction of certain civil and moral codes. Live and let live is tossed on the ash heap when I become an oppressor because I think biology should determine where boys and girls should shower, participate in sports, and use bathrooms. From my perspective those in the decidedly tiny minority should accept their differences and live as best they can within society as it is.

            As you and others have pointed out many times, people have been doing this for some time. I’m not aware of any instances of women treating them badly or reporting them to the police or taking them to court. People HAVE BEEN polite. People have been accepting. People have, in their individual communities, done their best to find solutions to immediate problems and shown compassion and respect. All of that comes to a screeching halt when activist seek to impose changes that undermine the rights and sensibilities of others to live by generally accepted standards.

            Changing marriage laws through the courts required changing the definition of marriage and ultimately moved on to alter what a husband and wife are and now to what a man or woman is, defying biological realities and common sense. This activism is also altering the terms father and mother. The fact that they want birth certificates to read “parent one and parent two” indicates they are aware of the duplicity of their arguments. The courts have now recognized three parents at birth taking bloodline and biology out of the equation almost entirely and establishing an anything goes standard.

            None of this should be happening in the courts but in the legislatures. The states are perfectly within their rights, given the activism, to represent their constituents desires through the legislative process.

            I understand that you disagree. I would appreciate it if you would stop insisting that my opinion derives from ignorance and prejudice because it does not. It derives from my understanding that all of us must adopt a live and let live attitude and we also must accept and find a way to work within generally accepted standards even if they sometimes make life difficult. In particular when we are part of a minority.

          • Libby says:

            Yes, it is true. If you cannot be polite to the woman who comes into your store looking for yarn to make a pussy hat, you should not be in business. Our civilization absolutely requires that we be polite to each other in public, and it you can’t do it, you can’t be in public.

            Some clown kicked an airline employee cause he thought they was a Muslim. The clown is 57 years old, so they probably won’t put him in a jail cell, but his crappy behavior is going to cost him a great deal of money, and has already cost him the respect of his fellow beings.

            (I hope the airline employee develops a disabling “soft tissue injury”, and sues the pants off the A-hole, but that’s just me being uncivil.)

            Which gets us back you your irrational fears. These people are no threat to you, your livelihood, your culture, or anything else, and if you insist that they are … it is YOU who has a serious issue of mental health that you need to address.

            Stop being such a fraidy-cat!

    • Bryan H. says:

      I’m confused. My understanding was that transgender people typically use the bathroom they feel the most safe in. So someone who looks like Laverne Cox is probably going to use the ladies’ room, and most people observing that won’t think she’s some male pervert trying to spy on ladies, because she looks like Laverne Cox.

      But the bathroom bills conservatives are circulating, which require people to use the bathroom of their birth gender, would mean Laverne Cox would have to use a men’s room when out in public. I think that would be much more dangerous for her than letting her continue to use the women’s room would be dangerous to little girls.

      If that doesn’t concern you, think of the fact that a lot of trans men look, dress and act indistinguishably from most men. The bathroom bills would make them use the women’s room anyway. How would that make most women feel?

      The bills are unnecessary and are only going to create more problems than they solve.

      I don’t get the “protect little girls” concept. Most pedophiles target kids of the same sex. Where are the bills designed to have separate facilities for men, and separate facilities for little boys?

      None of this requires anyone to agree with the idea that transgenderism is healthy, it just requires you to know what trans people actually look like.

      • Tina says:

        “I think that would be much more dangerous for her than letting her continue to use the women’s room would be dangerous to little girls.”

        There’s the rub. Others disagree with you. In fact that is exactly what you on the left do. You pick one example, as if that example represents every possible scenario.

        They also disagree that only the Lavern’s of the world would take advantage.

        “it just requires you to know what trans people actually look like.”

        I know what they look like and they don’t all “pass” all that well.

        Bathrooms are already considered unsafe spaces for young children. Explaining to a three or four year old why “that man is dressed like a woman” or why he’s “allowed to come into the girls restroom” is a problem. Children of that age don’t have the capacity to understand.

        This is also moving into the arena of school sports. Teen-aged boys in the open showers with girls is understandably a problem for many parents.

        The kids are accepting of all this for the most part because they want to be cool and seen as sympathetic. But if this ever gets to the point where it means the difference between a scholarship or a spot on an Olympic Team, I’m not so sure it will be so warm and fuzzy.

  5. Dewster says:

    “We have serious, well founded concerns about Sharia law, Wahabbism (fanatics) and about Islamic values that run counter to America’s idealism and notion of inalienable rights.”

    Then why do we support Saudi Arabia and play with them? Or why does Trump have a Hotel there?

    They are the greatest offenders of human rights. Sharia law, Wahabbism ect ect.

    The political Parties and their war machines are 100% responsible for the fears of those who are clueless about Muslims.

    Saudi’s funding 911? The fact that Both Obama and Trump will not remove the redacted info on real 911 Info? Cause it’s Saudi?

    Wake Up

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