Great Quote Regarding Gorsuch on the Supreme Court

Posted by Tina

…we still have a reasonable shot at holding on to being a country of laws, rather than a country of cool personalities with bad ideas.

“Cool personalities with bad ideas”…sums up the left entirely!

Read the rest of the article, “American Resurrection,” by David Prentice at American Thinker.

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7 Responses to Great Quote Regarding Gorsuch on the Supreme Court

  1. Dewster says:


    When Ideas are not labeled by the left or the right than most agree on them.

    No Matter who is President the Rich get Richer and the poor get Poorer ….
    and the Bombs never Stop

    Time to blow up this 2 Party Political System where everybody losses .

    Where a Fake Divide is Presented to the Sheeple

    The Cabal involves all of them and The banking Cartel and Federal Reserve is the greatest Scam on earth

    Gorsuck is a Corporate Hack Period

    • Tina says:

      You astound me, Dewey. The truth is right there in your writing and yet you fail to get it! Example:

      “No Matter who is President the Rich get Richer and the poor get Poorer”

      This has always been true. It doesn’t have anything to do with who is president or which party currently has more power to impact our lives. So why do you care? Why should anyone care? Why are you so fixated on the rich?

      If you were willing to open your mind to something other than your anarchist ideology (yes, it is an ideology) you might be able to see that policies DO IMPACT OUR LIVES. You might be able to look at our recent history to notice which policies free the people to thrive and which policies restrict and oppress the people so that the opportunity to thrive is blunted.

      Write on the board one hundred times: The rich will always be rich.

      Now, answer the question…how do we the people, despite the fact that the rich always get rich, make it possible for others to thrive? What polices work best to make it possible for the middle and poor classes to have a shot, to climb the ladder of success, to provide for themselves and their families?

      Under presidents from both parties, policy made the difference. The tax policy that works is policy the Republicans and Democrats have embrace (supply side economics -low taxes). Kennedy, Reagan, B. Clinton (2 Dems-1 Rep) all embraced this policy. But the Democrat Party since Kennedy have disparaged and blocked the policies that work. Low taxes, clear concise regulation, efficient responsible government…those things work best for the greatest number of citizens.

      The opposite is true for policies Democrats now embrace. The last eight years of high numbers of unemployed citizens, part time workers, low wages,failing businesses, mounds and mounds of regulations, hidden taxes, and bloated oppressive government has been a disaster for everyone but those who are rich.

      You cannot change what has always been. Name an era when people were not at war with one another, when there wasn’t some nutcase with designs to rule the world, when there wasn’t a tyrannical force to oppose. It’s called life, and it cannot be avoided. We deal with it, as we must. Our nations founders created a system of government that works well given the nature of man.

      (Interesting, and hypocritical, that you anarchists always go with violence…any idea why?)


      While anti-statism is central,[11] anarchism generally entails opposing authority or hierarchical organisation in the conduct of all human relations, including, but not limited to, the state system. Other forms of authority it opposes include patriarchal authority, economic domination through private property, and racist supremacy. [19] Anarchism is usually considered a radical left-wing ideology,[20][21] and much of anarchist economics and anarchist legal philosophy reflects anti-authoritarian interpretations of communism, collectivism, syndicalism, mutualism, or participatory economics.[22]

      Anarchism does not offer a fixed body of doctrine from a single particular world view, instead fluxing and flowing as a philosophy.[23] Many types and traditions of anarchism exist, not all of which are mutually exclusive.[24] Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism.[10] Strains of anarchism have often been divided into the categories of social and individualist anarchism or similar dual classifications.[25][26]

      Loose cannons…people who cannot, or will not, think things through and come to choice.

      Gorsuch will guard against oppressive government exploitation and overreach and guard our constitutional liberties and rights. He will preserve our nation of laws…NOT MEN.

  2. Peggy says:

    And the cherry on top or the golden egg since it’s Easter week is the news that Lois Lerner going after conservatives who were attacked by their own gov’t will be reviewed by Session’s DoJ.

    Of all of the atrocities committed by the Obama administration what the IRS did, and are still doing, to so many individuals’ rights was the most horrendous, since it impacted so many people and affected their civic, personal and professional involvement.

    • J. Soden says:

      And Koskinen – who was caught lying to Clowngress in testimony, and who was chosen by Obumble to obfuscate the IRS shenanigans – is still the head of the IRS.
      What a travesty! Won’t be any real cleanout there until Koskinen is replaced!

  3. Dewster says:

    Maybe we should uphold the written laws.

    The intent was to be solely for the general welfare of the public not for a place where dark foreign and domestic money can hide while buying elections.

    Funny you omit the Democratic orgs they questioned.

    Those who allow the US Political System to be bought out by the Elite have no reason to ever complain about the game.

    Democrats are just as rotten as the Republican when it comes to dark money.

    The members of the Foreign council ect pick the candidates and the Elite buy Control of the agenda. Decades of the illusion. Every once in awhile a surprise happens.

    There is a reason why Bernie and Trump were to win their primaries. DNC cheated Bernie out.

    Trump’s fake populism won the revolt of the Republican voters and DNC cheating assured There was no unity on that side.

    Which one would be worse? Both. The path to WW3 is set in stone. Clinton is part of the Cabal. Just a few social issues would be the difference.

    Trump is too dumb to see how they play him through reports and Media. He is flip flopping like a fish out of water.

    • Tina says:

      “Funny you omit the Democratic orgs they questioned”

      That’s because there were no Dem organizations that were egregiously subjected to extensive questioning and delayed authorization (2-3 years). In particular none were subjected to inquiry and physical visits by OSHA, the FBI, DOJ, ATF, and a congressman (Cummings) as Catheryn Englebrecht was.

      See here, here, here, here, and…


      Conservative organizations were not just singled out because of their political beliefs—they were targeted by IRS officials and employees who expressed a general loathing toward them even while begrudgingly admitting that those organizations were in compliance with the only thing the IRS should care about: the federal tax code. . . . One IRS agent wrote about an organization applying for 501(c)(4) status that donated to other organizations that engaged in political activity, “I’m not sure we can deny them because, technically, I don’t know that I can deny them simply for donating to another 501(c)(4).” Another agent responded, “This sounds like a bad org . . . This org gives me an icky feeling.”

      During an interview with Committee staff, one IRS employee explained his view that, “These [Tea Party] organizations mostly concentrate their activities on the limiting government, limiting government role, or reducing government size, or paying less tax. I think it[‘]s different from the other social welfare organizations which are (c)(4).”

      A top deputy to Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner wrote to colleagues, “We suspect we will have to approve the majority of the [advocacy org] c4 applications.” Recognizing the infusion of a personal moral judgment in a legal matter, a recipient forwarded a quote from that e-mail to another colleague: ‘“We suspect we will have to approve the majority of the c4 applications.’ That’s an interesting posture.”

      Yet, despite the fact that, legally, the IRS “ha[d] to approve” the tax-exempt applications of conservative groups, it did not. Under Lerner’s leadership, the Obama Administration’s IRS embroiled these groups, which were merely attempting to exercise their constitutional free speech rights, in an endless quagmire of delays and unconstitutionally intrusive and abuse demands.

      It was political, it was emotional, it was personal…and it was illegal!

      It should not happen to ANY American.

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