by Tina Grazier
According to the hypocrisy cops on the left you arent a good Christian unless your an elderly, pastey faced woman with wire rimmed spectacles and a pill box hat, swinging a Bible and beating folk over the head with it! That’s the gist of the dim-witted pronouncement yesterday by Mike Celizic, contributor. Seems a web site called “the dirty” got it’s cyber claws on some “torrid” photos taken of Carrie Prejean when she was a teenager, and… hold on to your pill box….they show her nekkid back! OMG…the HYPOCRACY!!! She can’t do stuff like that and call herself a Christian!
Miss Prejean responded:
** “I am a Christian, and I am a model. Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos. Recently, photos taken of me as a teenager have been released surreptitiously to a tabloid Web site that openly mocks me for my Christian faith. I am not perfect, and I will never claim to be.” **
We’re informed in the story that a judge for the pageant said the photos would have disqualified her from competing…a revelation that’s irrelevant to the theme of the story summed up in a single statement near the end:
** “The images may also hurt her status as a spokeswoman for conservative causes.” **
Well….you hope!!!
This article is nothing more than a hit piece…an hypocrisy cop report!
The thing is, they H Cops wouldn’t feel the need to shut Miss Pajean up if they weren’t deeply worried…perhaps even frightened. Can you imagine that little Jimminy Cricket voice that keeps poking at them…”psssst…what if a lot of people agree with her and, worse yet, what if she’s right?” ….Better not acknowledge that voice. Might have to change the way I run my my life. Might have to question some of my own opinions and strongly held beliefs. Might have to admit my own hypocracy on tolerance and hate. In fact I might have to change my mind…and my lifestyle…and that would mean confronting all of my friends and family. So, no!!! It’s much easier to take the stubborn route, dig in my heels and play the Saul Alinsky game. I will continue in my quest to kill the message by destroying the messengers.
Many liberal progressives who claim to support free speech…don’t. They are out to verbally stone this woman…a politically insignificant runner up in a beauty pageant. They are prepared to do the same to anyone who dares to speak an alternate message.
Democrats pretend to stand for diversity but the spokesmen and supporters of the party have abandoned the party anthem: “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE (everybody sing)…duh duh duh da daaaaaa…all you need is love, love…love, love is all you need. Sheeeesh!
The hypocrisy Cops have been unwrapped…they deserve to be publically shunned…time we sent them directly to bigot jail. Don’t buy it? Consider this:
** In 1983, best-selling shrink M. Scott Peck published his second book, People of The Lie. In it, he tells the stories of several patients whom he came to believe could be clinically diagnosed as “evil” – a character disorder he describes as “militant ignorance.” According to Peck, an evil person prefers to psychologically destroy others rather than face his (or her) own faults, exhibits zero empathy towards his targeted scapegoat, and enjoys falsely labeling other people as evil. – Andrew Breitbart, Big Hollywood **…think about it.
A society that tolerates, even encourages, the silencing of voices will soon find everyone is silenced.