Sanctuary San Francisco – Record Car Burglaries

by Jack

“Vehicle break-ins have continued to soar this year in San Francisco, on top of already epidemic numbers, despite recent efforts by police to stop such crimes with more officers on the street.

Auto break-ins were up in every police district from the start of the year through the end of November, accounting for a 26 percent increase over the same period last year, according to the most recent data provided by the San Francisco Police Department.

At the same time, the rate of arrests for auto break-ins has dropped since last year from just below 2 percent to 1.6 percent. From Jan. 1 to the end of November, San Francisco had 28,395 auto break-ins — about 85 a day — and already more than in any previous full year. The hardest-hit area was the Mission District, where car break-ins have gone up 86 percent from last year. The latest data come after the Police Department decided in September to eliminate its 18-person citywide Patrol Bureau Task Force, instead assigning more officers to foot patrol in hopes of deterring criminals.

The different approach, however, doesn’t appear to be discouraging thieves. At the same time, residents and visitors have become more aggravated. “I feel violated — it’s a helpless feeling,” 55-year-old Matt Dann said after pulling his Toyota pickup with a freshly smashed rear window into Auto Glass Now on Bryant Street in San Francisco’s South of Market neighborhood….”

Sanctuary San Francisco, has a record number of homeless and a record number of illegal aliens. Both groups are statistically overrepresented in crimes per capita. In addition CA Proposition 47 reduced penalties on a number of crimes including car burglaries from a felony to a misdemeanor. Now San Franciscans are left to ponder, could their be a nexus between these three factors and the spike in certain crimes, like car burglary….Hmmmmm?

Yesterday a 35 year old homeless man was breaking into a car in a S. F. parking garage. The owner’s 4 year Chihuahua (see picture on right) had been locked in the vehicle and attempted to defend his territory when the suspect broke out the car window. The angry attacker grabbed the little black and tan dog named Dunky and hurled him over the ledge from 7th story to his death.

Dunky did not have a chance, said a witnesses who found the dog’s lifeless body. Fortunately, the owners dash cam recorded the entire incident. Police immediately recognized the suspect as Wakeen Best from numerous prior arrests and it was not long before he was in custody. Best was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, burglary tools and violating a court order…all former felonies, but now reduced to misdemeanors by prop 47, which was approved by voters last year.

Nearby in Freemont, police reported a huge 36% jump in car burglaries since the passage of Prop 47 in 2016. Locals describe break-ins as nothing short of epidemic.

In sanctuary CA your chances of being in a violent crime are higher than the national average and in Chico your chances of being a victim of a property crime is 1 in 25, and that is almost twice the national average in 2016.

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2 Responses to Sanctuary San Francisco – Record Car Burglaries

  1. J. Soden says:

    Quite frankly, I have no desire even to drive through Taxifornia. Skirting the state for safety.
    Hope you folks who must remain stay safe!

  2. Tina says:

    Progressivethink is harmful for human beings of all classes and ethnicities. There’s nothing “progressive” about making law that incentivizes criminality, dependency, and sloth. Turns out “sanctuary” is another empty “care” package.

    It’s becoming more difficult to give our friends on the left the benefit of the doubt. Evidence as to the ineffectiveness of their policies, as well as the disastrous unintended results, is just too obvious and widespread to ignore. They are either true hard core phonies or just incredibly stupid.

    America experimented with the socialist dream over a fifty plus year period. That’s more than enough time to measure and mark the utter failures.

    Time to get back to the basics of our republic.

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