Muslim Terrorist Kills and Wounds Soldiers on US Soil

by Jack Lee

The FBI has been doing a fabulous job tracking the activities of potential Muslim terrorists that exist within the United States and they’ve stopped a number of attacks before they could be carried out. However, they can’t stop them all, as evidenced by one Abdulhakim Muhammad, age 23, of Little Rock, Ark.


Abdulhakim Muhammad (shown left in blue) was a simmering time bomb of hate, filled with anti-american, anti-military aggression. This much he has made clear by his own statements and we know he was recently in Yemen where he was using a Somali passport. Muhammad admitted shooting the two young soldiers yesterday for what he believed American soldiers had done to Muslims.


In 2003 a Muslim convert and U.S. soldier,threw grenades into three tents at a 101st Airborne command center in Kuwait, killing one fellow serviceman and wounding 15, three of them seriously. The motive was he didn’t want the US military to attack fellow muslims. Born Mark “Fidel” Kools, Akbar was re-named when his mother remarried and converted to Islam. Just before trial Akbar smuggled a pair of scissors out of a conference room and then asked to use the restroom. When the Officer removed Akbar’s restraints he then stabbed the officer in the shoulder and neck with the scissors before being wrestled to the ground by another Officer. This attack was not allowed to be admitted as evidence by the army judge, during sentencing.

Currently at least 22 Muslim paramilitary training compounds exist within the USA that are managed by a radical Pakistani cleric suspected of terrorist activities within Pakistan. The M/O of the organization is to recruit black male converts from within US prisons. Upon release they are given religious and paramilitary training at the Muslim compounds that stretch from coast to coast, two are located in California. The compounds and their so-called religious activities are protected under the Constitution. A number of their members have been returned to prison for parole violations. They remain under close watch.

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