Isn’t it reassuring to hear our elected officials swear (on the Bible) to protect and defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic? Isn’t it rather disconcerting to discover they’ve lied through their teeth?
When Islamic terrorist- operatives crashed two passenger jets into the World Trade Center, another into the Pentagon, while a fourth (destined for the White House) crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, that act on September 11th was an act of war against the United States by a group (an army) known as al-Qaida.
It wasn’t the first attack by al-Qaida against this country and it’s interests, when you consider the USS Cole incident, and the bombings of U.S. Embassies around the world. Up until September 11th however, only lip-service was used as a weapon against terrorists by the Clinton administration. “We will seek out and bring the perpetrators to justice”…he said. All talk, no action…save for a few cruise missiles fired here and there without effect.
But in the aftermath of September 11th something different happened. We had a new president who took seriously his oath of office and the vow to protect and defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In the beginning, most all members of Congress agreed to take the fight to the enemy, and not stop until they were all killed or captured. In war, that is as it should be.
As General Douglas Macarthur once pointed out, “In war, the only alternative is victory.” General George Patton said “You don’t win wars by dying for your country. You win wars by making the other SOB die for HIS country.” Too bad we don’t have leaders like that anymore. Today, we have members of Congress who seem to have forgotten their oath of office to PROTECT and DEFEND this country against ALL ENEMIES, foreign domestic.
The House Intelligence Committee has asked the CIA to provide documents about the now-canceled program to kill al-Qaida leaders. The House move is seen as a precursor to what will likely become a full-blown investigation into the secret operation; their target? Former President George Bush, and Vice President Dick Cheney! Two of this country’s elected officials who took their oaths of office seriously, and sat out to do exactly what their oaths of office demanded.