by Jack Lee
There sure seems to be a lot of anger over the Obama Healthcare plan. Congressman are returning to their home districts trying to sell it in town hall meetings and are they ever getting an earful from a lot of angry voters!
To quote from one angry man, “I consider myself just an average American but there is not a day or a week that goes by that I don’t hear talk about revolution in our country because (of) the government,” said a man who called himself a “conservative, mainstream American.”
“We (the United States under Obama) have gone so far out of the Constitution,” he said to a standing ovation.
Yep, sure seems these rascals in Washington completely misread what people want. So much so, people are not just talking about a little protest anymore, there’s more and more talk about an all out open revolution than at any time since the civil war. A revolt where people in Washington would be hung for treason…this is serious stuff going on here folks. People are really sound sick of lying, cheating, thieving politicians who continually rip off the American Taxpayer.
Congress assumed we wanted government health insurance and that we somehow like to pay medical insurance for illegal aliens! They assumed we were happy about bailing out big corporations and printing up trillions of dollars to make it necessary to raise taxes to pay down the deficit. They don’t think we mind slipping into socialism! I don’t know how they could have got it so wrong unless they are living in an underground bunker and only talk with their fellow liberal democrats?
They are making another big mistake by assuming that the Tea Party movement is just a bunch of paid shills for certain corporate interests. Now that’s downright insulting! These are angry patriotic people fed up with rabid left wingers undermining our Constitution and forcing a Nanny State on us.
Check out this news story on the wires: BOILING SPRINGS, S.C./OCONTO FALLS, Wisc. (Reuters) – At scattered events across the United States, protesters are confronting members of Congress whose summer “town hall” meetings aim to get a sense of how Americans feel about overhauling healthcare.
Boiling Springs in South Carolina — population 4,500 — was true to its name on Thursday, giving U.S. Representative Bob Inglis a taste of rising anger among conservative voters toward President Barack Obama’s reform plan.
“There is no way, shape or form we need to have a national healthcare system. No! Nothing! None! It’s got to stop now,” said one man who addressed the audience of 300 people to sustained applause.