Meet Congressman BOBBY RUSH-D, Gun Control Advocate

by Jack Lee

As a follow up to the article by John Sergeant I did my own research and came up with some interesting facts on this Congresseman. It’s pretty clear what his agenda was on the bill he introduced. It stemmed from a gang shooting on a school bus. However, exactly how this bill will prevent gang members from shooting people on a school bus is unclear. Gang members are not known for cooperation with the IRS or gun laws. In fact in South side Chicago where Rush comes from, about the only people with guns are the criminals. This bill will only make “legal gun ownership” more difficult and costly.


Meet Congressman Bobby Rush-D, Chicago.

Are you ready to hear about Congressman Bobby Rush who authored the latest and most infamous SB 2099 formerly HR45, another gun control law. During the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s, Congressman Rush was a member of the leftist SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee) from 1966 to 1968, which was anything but non-violent and embraced the campus revolutionaires of the day. Rush served a hitch in the Army for which we must give him credit, but he also went AWOL. Aside from trying to seize your guns, he also advocates reparations for African Americans.

Bobby Rush was a co-founder of the Illinois Black Panther Party in 1968. In 1969, he served six months in jail for an illegal weapons conviction. The radical, gangster ridden, Black Panthers were prone to violence and intimidation. They were particulary well known for extorting “protection” money from small businesses in all black neighborhoods.

The new left movement that was born in the 1960’s synthesized various existing philosophies including Marxism, anarchism, council-communism and so on. What these groups from SNCC to Panthers had most in common was an uncritical and congratulatory stance on guerilla romanticism towards so-called liberation struggles occurring in the Third World. Algeria, Cuba, Vietnam, all were viewed as interconnected struggles against US imperialism and exactly how any thinking American could justify electing someone with this kind of record is as astounding as it is troubling.

The Black Panther Party membership reached its peak in the late 1960s during which time several conflicts between Panthers and the police broke-out. In May of 1967, the Panthers marched into the California legislature fully armed. Later that year, Huey Newton was shot, arrested and charged with the murder of a white Oakland police officer. In 1969, 21 members of the Black Panther Party were indicted on charges of conspiring to blow up department stores, a police station, railroad tracks and the Bronx Botanical Gardens. The “Panther 21” became a major rallying point for student radicalism.

While a Black Panther, Bobby Rush operated the Panther Party’s Free Breakfast “for Children program.” This “For the Children” ruse was used mainly to garner favorable publicity to counter the thug image. Does this scam, “for the chidlren” sound familiar?

Bobby Rush is a radical of the worst kind and a current member of the BLACK CAUCUS in Congress. He has never been burdened as an empoyer. He has never met a payroll. He has no use for capitalism; as evidenced that he has never worked in the private sector. Instead, this radical has been living off the taxpayers one way or another his entire life. And he got his start as a community organizer in Chicago…imagine that.

Despite his unconstitutional and outrageous agenda, he has been re-elected by his black voter base (South-side Chicago) in every election since entering Congress in 1993. Given the corrupt and violent all black area he represents there is zero chance any voice of reason from an outside influence will ever unseat this Congressman.

Note to liberals to save you some time writing in; You have probably guessed this, because you are so clever, we really don’t care about this bill or any legislation that has to do with restricting guns, national security or standing up for the Constitution or for the public good, this is just an excuse to unfairly criticize a man for the color of skin. Yeah, thats the ticket this is just about skin color. ( There now, doesn’t your little liberal brain feel better? This is your version of the truth and you are welcome to it. )

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