Still Waiting for a Logical Defense of Socialism

By One Vike

I would like to offer my opinion of what Mark has claimed to be true, and of the evidence he has offered to back his claims up. Mark wants us to believe that the President’s former Green Czar Van Jones, was misunderstood and maligned by those of us he calls racist and hateful. However, I have yet to see Mark or any other liberal comment on the most important fact of them all. That is, that the very programs the liberals have championed and put in place for the past 50 years are more responsible for the things they complain about than anything the right or capitalist could conceive of doing. Jack, Tina, Bruce, myself and others have posted article after article proving that 90% of all the current problems in the world are caused by the leftists and the agendas they claim will change the world from a cruel heartless planet into a Utopian world.

I have yet to read a logical defense for why liberal politicians, like Obama and his friends, continue to push policies that have been proven to fail. Fact is, the very groups they purport to help always seem to be the ones who get hurt the most. In almost every incident that the left brings up involving the destruction of the planet, minorities or women, the cause can be directly traced to liberal politicians, not conservative ones. Who do you think runs Houston, Los Angeles, New York, etc. etc. etc? It is liberals who run these cities so if you want to point the finger of blame point it at liberal politicians, both black and white.

One case in point is Detroit Michigan. In 1960 Detroit was an economically strong thriving city that was proud of its heritage as the working man’s city. Almost 50 years later Detroit resembles what was left of Dresden after the RAF leveled the once historic city. What remains now is a cesspool that is so filthy and screwed up it rivals New Orleans. Look across America and you will see what liberals have done to once thriving metropolitan cities. Liberals have ripped off the public while turning these communities into death traps that need to be burned to the ground. Where is Nero when you need him?

I find it interesting that this country has spent trillions of dollars to help the black communities, women, and the environment yet the left continues to complain that enough has not been done. Reality is, in most areas the blacks are worse off than they have ever been. The women are now finding out that the policies designed to give them equality and freedom, have actually caused many to be miserable. The older they get, the more they realize how lonely life can be from not having enough children to help in their aging years. Many are being locked up in retirement centers and forgotten, thanks to feminist and environmental overpopulation nuts that have convinced them to have none or very few children. Then there are the leftists environmental policies that may have had some positive effect at first, but now are doing more damage to the environment than good.

With the help of the MSM, Hollywood, the music industry, and the education system the American electorate has finally given these losers complete control of the government. Now they are hell bent on finishing the job of destroying this once great Country. I guarantee that in ten to twenty years liberals who continue screaming racism as they support this administration’s policies, will see who the true racists are. That’s because the black community will be worse off as most of the advances they made thanks to the long lasting effects from Reagan’s economic policies will be lost.

As for the material Mark has offered as proof for his arguments, they are all filled with unsubstantiated liberal accusations that amount to nothing more than propaganda. The authors have all taken statistics and twisted them to prove a point but they leave out critical information. That is because they began with a conclusion and the facts be damned. They were going to reach the conclusion they wanted, even if they had to stretch the truth. They use statistics from studies where conclusions are flawed because the processes for their so-called studies were done incorrectly. Many of the studies these authors used to base their conclusions upon have been proved to be incorrect.

When you look at the background of the authors, you will see that every one of them are either environmental wacko’s, leftist social engineering communists, or lifetime professors who have never had a job outside of working for the government. All of these authors do have something in common, however, and that is their extreme views on the environment, social policies, and anti-American beliefs. The agendas these wackos support are so far to the left that Karl Marx would even raise an eyebrow to their ideas for social engineering.

A quick Google search of the names and titles of the books you referenced will show that these authors have pushed for extreme anti-human laws that have long been supported by the Sierra Club, the UN Population Fund, Planned Parenthood, and other leftist aggrandized groups that would love to see America dissolved or absorbed by a One World Entity. A few of these authors even have questionable ties to the radical group, “Earth First”. You know them, the leftist eco-terrorist group that is responsible for more death and destruction than the people they target are. The very policies these radical authors Mark uses for his proof only exacerbate the problems, all the while claiming they care about minorities and women.

A better word for these social engineers is “COMMUNISTS“. That is because they do not care about the environment, they only care about destroying this country. Otherwise they would have long ago gone after the countries and governments in the third world who have done more damage to the minorities of this world than America. I guess if the truth be told, it also comes down to money, we have it and wackos like these authors want to redistribute it to themselves and their friends. Everything they claim to care about is a lie, because ultimately the policies they support will only separate us from our money while making them and their leftist political buddies wealthy and powerful.

If I wanted to offer evidence for a point I was making, and the evidence I offered was from a book written by none other than David Duke, the former KKK leader, I doubt anyone would take me seriously. This is what Mark has done by offering books written by these authors. Trust me; I will never use any material by David Duke to back up any of my assertions, even if he has changed like the democrats say Robert Bird has.

I will finish this off by asking you liberals a question, which I really do not expect you to answer. Why is it that every city, state, and country these wackos and their ilk have gained control of is not better off afterwards? Also, can you please name me one city in America that has been controlled by black liberal Democrats, that is a shining example of successful socialism? I will not hold my breath for your answer, because you cannot find any examples, and if Obama gets even half of what he wants, this country will begin to resemble the likes of Detroit and New O

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