by Jack
Yesterday an openly gay male from Manhattan, with deep roots to liberalism and the democratic party came to Chico State to give a speech in favor of tolerance, freedom of speech and anti-racism, but with a political bent.
I am sorry to say his speech was disrupted by (alleged) students that shouted him down and continuously interrupted his talk. Ironically, this was a talk that was given in a free speech area on campus. “F – you” and other “F-bombs were directed at this young man who simply wanted to explain why he was upset with today’s political climate.
One young female, I won’t call her a lady, literally pranced around the crowd shouting “F—“, ”F—“, ”F—“, ”F—“ and with arms raised she gave the middle finger salute. The protestors were angry, loud and menacing. Their narrative, well, they didn’t seem to have one, all they could do was shout “F– you.”
Now given the mans liberal background and his sexual orientation you might think the protestors were a bunch of ignorant jerks, because they were filled with hate. If you thought that, well, you are partly right…they are filled with hate, but not for the reasons you might think? He was a conservative and they were the liberals.
The guest speaker, was Brandon Straka see above picture. He was no longer a liberal or even a member of the democratic party, because he walked away from them and for that crime he might just as well have committed apostacy!
Why the conversion? In Brandon’s words, “For years now, I have watched as the left has devolved into intolerant, inflexible, illogical, hateful, misguided, ill-informed, un-American, hypocritical, menacing, callous, ignorant, narrow-minded and, at times, blatantly fascistic behavior and rhetoric.”
There you go, surprise – surprise! That’s the main reason he was being shouted down and insulted on campus by intolerant, inflexible, illogical, hateful, misguided, ill-informed, un-American, hypocritical, menacing, callous, ignorant, narrow-minded students employing blatantly fascistic behavior – they didn’t like conservative opinions! Isn’t that incredible and in someway wonderful? Here’s a guy who weighs right and wrong, then decides to go conservative. That’s wonderful and I applaud him for waking up to the evil that is all around us. But, given the lefties threats and meanspirited behaviors, can you imagine the courage it must take to stand up against them? Yet, he did! He is willing to risk it all for what he knows is right.
Brandon’s story of being a white, gay, Manhattan liberal-turned-conservative proved too much for the rabid left. Just weeks after “coming out” as conservative, Straka rose from political nobody to an honest, albeit provocative… somebody!
His video — with the catchy hashtag urging people to #WalkAway from the left — has been viewed millions of times, catapulting him to Fox News fame.
Those on the right are eager to hear such refreshing stories, because too often they are watching protestors shouting “F- your America.” The protestors are fearful of their shrinking numbers caused by decent people like Straka. By aggressively promoting his all-American values social media. InfoWars’ Alex Jones even donated $10,000 to Straka’s GoFundMe page for “#WalkAway Campaign Startup Costs.” As of this week, the campaign has raised more than $67,000.
Straka will be speaking at the Chico Elk’s Lodge today, however, unlike at CSUC, security will be on hand so everyone can hear what he has to say.
Orchids to Straka for walking away from the Dark Side
Onions to the Antifa-like, foul-mouthed protestors!
By aggressively promoting his all-American values social media, he has joined Tomi Lahren, Candace Owens, Milo Yiannopoulos and Chadwick Moore, etc. InfoWars’ Alex Jones even donated $10,000 to Straka’s GoFundMe page for “#WalkAway Campaign Startup Costs.” As of this week, the campaign has raised more than $67,000.
Uh, yikes to that company. As a reminder, Milo was driven from the conservative movement after a video in which he appeared to endorse adult-teen relationships. Alex Jones believes Bush did 9/11 and that school shootings are staged. I don’t know much about Brandon Straka, and won’t defend the treatment of him by these obnoxious college students, but if I were a reasonable conservative I wouldn’t want to be lumped in with this crowd.
I do think it’s funny no one here has mentioned the heckling that Don Jr. received a few weeks ago from radical conservative students who don’t believe his father is hard enough on immigration. Jr. was there to talk about how intolerant leftist college students are, and ended up getting drowned out by the same members of the far right that his father has tried so hard to court.
I think it’s hysterical that after years of information from this blog alone, Chris continues to cling to a few threads of hope that the party he favors isn’t a gang of, “…intolerant, inflexible, illogical, hateful, misguided, ill-informed, un-American, hypocritical, menacing, callous, ignorant, narrow-minded and, at times, blatantly fascistic (in their) behavior and rhetoric.”
Straws, Chris, You grasp at straws while the bigger and much brighter picture unfolds all around you.
Interesting what’s going on here in AZ:
The students were upset that a member of ICE had been invited to address a GOP group on campus, therefore that was “hate speech” and the university should quash it.
Sounds a LOT like a NON-free speech country!