Thoughts about 9/11

by Harry Callahan, Insp., SFPD Ret.


On 9/11 I don’t want you to pick up trash, hold a car wash, celebrate diversity or do any number of unrelated things a community organizer might do. Today is for remembering we are at war and why we are at war. It is for remembering it has been 8 long years of self-serving, partisan, political intervention into our war fighting. It has been 8 years of listening to Rosie O’Donnell, Cindy Sheehan and Code Pinks demagoguery of America. I don’t want to hear one more word out of them or any of our elected A-h$@#s like John Murtha or John Kerry! Better we take the time to read that long list of names, of over 3000 victims, remember those American’s jumping from a burning building and then lets resolve to kill every SOB that caused 9/11 and if that means we also kill every SOB that now shelters and protects them, then so be it! I’m thinking right now I should not be out there with Obama’s nerds picking up aluminum cans or painting over graffiti to somehow honor our dead on this day. That just doesn’t do it for me – I would rather be dropped on a mountain top near Bin Laden’s camp with a .50 Cal. sniper rifle, 3 days worth of food and ammo and I’ll show you my idea for community outreach.

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