One Steps Down – Another Steps Up!

by J. Lee


As one soldier steps down, another is always ready to step up to take his place. That’s the way it’s always been in our armed forces. Last weekend was my last drill as the Company First Sergeant (aka 1SG). A new 1SG takes over in October and I know it will be with renewed enthusiasm and a gung-ho spirit. And I should know, I recommended him! But, it was a real bonus for me to discover during our last drill that an old friend of mine from many years back should also turn up as one of our new NCO’s for HHD. I was advised that SGT J. C. of Chico will be assigned to the Public Affairs Office of the CAARNG. (Way to go SGT C!!! Welcome aboard!) I know his education, writing skills and expert ability to interpret legislation will be a real asset to the PAO.

Over the years I’ve seen a lot of talented people just like Sgt C. who voluntarily enter the military reserve, do outstanding work as citizen soldiers and unless you saw them in uniform you would never know. They can be found everywhere, in all sorts of civilan jobs, and somehow they’ve all found the time to give something back to their country and their state! Speaking now as the (Ex) 1SG, it’s been an honor and a privilege to serve with them all. When I’m finally done and out (and that won’t be too far off now), there’s no doubt I’ll miss that part the most.

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