Public Healthcare – Not in the Next 10 years

by Jack Lee

Is the public healthcare idea dead? Probably. However, keep in mind that all along this was really an end goal and end goals typically take a long time to achieve. The well read, dog eared leftist play book says, in order to get there from here…it’s all about incrementalism! A little here and there, then suddenly the people are acclimated to more and more costly government programs. Then when the time is right it’s just a short step over the line to full blown socialized medicine, however this will likely be a decade or more down the road.

What the current [public] healthcare argument is good for is political fund raising! Both sides are going to abuse and distort this issue for all its worth, jerking people around with fear mongering and stepping right over the real issues that deserve to be discussed and negotiated.

Rep. Joe “you lie” Wilson has raised a million bucks in the last week beating the [public]healthcare drum and so has his opponent. The real issues that we should be dealing with and could fix are lost in the rhetoric over this socialized medicine that is a non-starter. And the record breaking campaign spending is for a Congressman’s job? We’re just nuts for tolerating this, that’s it! We’ve absolutely lost any sense of proportion and reality. We’ve allowed the hacks using political extortion and fear tactics to run rampant. A bi-product of this is the cost of running for elections is going into the stratosphere, well beyond the average citizen’s ability to be a meaningful participant; it’s now the domain of celebrity incumbents that are in for a lifetime and rich good ol boys who play the partisan game to the hilt. The uninspired results speak for themselves.

Well, we keep electing em, so obviously their system works very well on us sheeple.

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