Thoughts on Public Education

by Jack Lee

Ever wonder why college costs keep going up sharply, well beyond inflation, and even in the midst of a recession? Do you suppose it has to do with the fact that the faculty keeps too much dead wood on staff, (thank you tenure) and this includes classes nobody wants to take, but they are carried anyway and university employees that are double dippers thanks to a liberal retirement system?

I think these things might have something to do with it…hmmmm?

In the public school sector things aren’t much better. The costs are going up and the product they are turning out seems to be getting worse, if that is possible. When you are already 48th out 0f 50 states, you would think we can’t fall much further. Here’s a tidbit for you: Fully half of the 650,000 public school employees are administrators, that can’t be good for salary costs. By the way, did you know one in every three tax dollars goes to teacher retirements, not education? Here’s the part that gets me, 25% of teachers send their own kids to private schools! What does that say about the system? California spends more its budget on education than anything else and for that massive “investment” we are rated 48th out of 50 states, go figure?

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