What Happened to Good Manners?

by Jack Lee

Have you ever asked yourself what happened to good manners, caring and respect? It just seems like we are living in the age of rudeness. People are into themselves and technology has provided them with too much instant gratification. A teenager sits on the couch in front a 52 inch flat screen TV; in his hands is a controller that he uses to blast the enemy with a multitude of weapons from a sniper rifle to a rocket launcher. The game goes on for hours and across town his lonely grandmother struggles to push a lawnmower across her front lawn, wondering why she hasn’t seen her grandson in weeks?

Last night I was standing in the check out at Safeway and this lady cut in front of me, I would have let her go ahead anyway, if she had asked, because she only had a few items and I had a basket full. But, I guess she didn’t want to risk me saying no. So she cut in, but what really bugged me was she was preoccupied chatting on her cell phone that was wedged between her ear and her shoulder as she off loaded her items on to the conveyor belt.

During the entire transaction she kept her cell phone conversation going with only brief interruptions to barely acknowledge the cashier. Unbelievable.


“Good Manners” seem to be rare these days and according to one recent study at least 50% of Americans are concerned about the growing rudeness. The actions that display respect, care, and consideration just aren’t as important as they once were. I wonder, is it that we care more for our high tech toys than those they are made for?

We are constantly assaulting our neighbors with barking dogs, loud noises, sights, sounds, smells and undesirable attitudes. It’s said freedom works best when you know when not to use it! So true.

When was the last time you received the one finger salute? Or do you know anyone that comes over to pick you up and just sits out front and honks the horn? It’s all about caring and respect folks, and we just don’t seem to have enough of it. We’ve lost something and we need to bring it back.

Since cell phones seem to be at the butt of the most offenses so I have an etiquette list for your consideration:

LetsTalk has issued the following guidelines for cell phone etiquette:
When in doubt, mute

Many establishments ask customers to refrain from using cell phones, but no one wants to actually miss a call. What if you’re in the movies and the babysitter is frantically trying to reach you? No worries.

The Fix: Almost all cell phones offer vibrate features, so you don’t have to miss a call. Be sure to place the phone in an easily accessible spot; the only thing worse than a disruptive ring is a giggling customer fumbling to find their vibrating phone!
Choose Ringtones You Won’t Regret.

Personalized ringtones have become a certifiable hit. We love the way consumers can really customize their cell phone experience, but always consider what the ringtone says about you and the environment in which it rings. Your kids may love your Fred Flinstone “YabbaDabbaDoo!” ringtone, but it might not be a hit in the board room.

The Fix: Many cell phones offer environment settings that are designed for specific experiences, e.g. the boardroom. If your phone has this feature, be sure to activate the setting to the right environment before you head into an important meeting. If your cell phone doesn’t sport this feature, try selecting environment-friendly ringtones. For callers who call you during the day when you may be in meetings try a more sedate ringtone and breakout the hit song ringtones for calls you’re likely to receive on weekends.

Yak, Don’t Yell
Have you noticed how some people feel the need to scream at the top of their lungs while speaking on a cell phone? Well, for some unknown reason, most of us speak louder when we dial. Stop the urge to act like a primitive Neanderthal and scream into your cell phone.

The Fix: Talking loudly doesn’t make you an easier to hear over the phone; lower your voice or move to a quieter place to continue the call.

When in Earshot Keep it Short
What’s more annoying than listening to the intimate details of a stranger’s weekend plans while standing in line for coffee or commuting to work on the bus? People around you don’t really want to be privy to your personal conversations.

The Fix: Be aware of your surroundings; don’t conduct nonessential calls in public transportation, restaurants, checkout lines, elevators, bathrooms, and other close quarters.

Don’t Text and Drive
Talking on a cell phone while driving isn’t just dangerous, it’s actually illegal in some states. With the recent proliferation of PDAs and text messaging, we’ve even seen people typing messages while behind the wheel.

The Fix: Avoid using your cell phone while driving whenever possible. If you must use it, get a hands-free kit, or use the cell phone’s speakerphone so you can keep both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road. But if none of this works for you, pull over, park the car, and start chatting!

Excuse Yourself Before Taking the Call
The call may be important to you, but realize you’re also important to the person in front or next to you.

The Fix: Don’t talk on your cell phone, play games or send text messages in front of someone who expects your attention, whether it’s a grocery store clerk, doctor, business partner, or old friend.

Say Please Before They Say Cheese
The proliferation of camera phones means that almost everyone is walking around with a camera in their pocket. People are increasingly more sensitive to this fact, so use photo discretion.

The Fix: Think twice before whipping out that cell phone in locker rooms, swimming pools, and other potentially compromising situations. Paris Hilton may not mind, but most of us aren’t interested in finding pictures of ourselves on the internet.

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