I’ve often wondered –over the years–just which group would be next to have a bulls eye target painted on their backs. It started out being smokers who were earmarked as the best and most easily taxed group. Cities, counties, states, and even the federal government went to the well over and over again, because smokers were such an easy “funding mechanism.”
All that tax money extorted from smokers was purportedly used for paying for health benefits for children…and who could be against health care (and education) for children? But that well has pretty much run dry now as more and more smokers have quit (or switched to smoking marijuana which isn’t taxed and….that hangnail is pretty painful. A note from a doctor is all it takes.)
So, now that the tobacco users have been all but “tapped out”, what group is next? You don’t really think the money mongers will give up, do you? The answer to that question finally came out last week. Hunters? Nope! Skiers? Nope! Fishermen? Nope! Bowlers? Nope? Golfers? Nope!
You see, folks, in order to be successful in creating a “funding mechanism”, it has to be tied in to HEALTH in some manner, shape or form. The decision has been made. SODA POP DRINKERS! It’s the “obesity epidemic” stupid.
A plan by a group of nutrition and economic “experts” have put forth a plan, released by the New England Journal of Medicine. The plan was written by Arkansas’ surgeon general, New York City’s health commissioner and five other so-called experts. The authors say a national soda tax would discourage people from consuming extra calories (plus generate tax revenue.) How much revenue? Fifteen BILLION dollars in its first year.
And, what would the money be used for (as outlined in the plan?) Here it comes: child nutrition and obesity prevention programs. And in the New England Journal of Medicine, there’s this: “Escalating health care costs and the rising burden of diseases related to poor diet, create an urgent need for solutions, thus justifying the government’s right to recoup costs.” Translation? A soda pop tax is a surefire way for politicians to run a “get rich quick” scheme.