A Golden Oldster and the Pool Ball Packin’ Mama


Posted by Tina

Sometimes self-defense turns into a creative endeavor:

Down in Florida a 91 year old WWII Vet successfully defended his home from a drunk intruder with the help of his Rottweiler/Doberman and his .38 revolver. When the man approaced him he fired a warning shot and then managed to hold the guy, who had climbed the fence to get into his yard, until the police showed up. The fact that he was also nude didn’t occur to him immediately; it may have played a part in his success…or not!

A woman in Texas defended her home from would be burglars in a unique way. She heard a loud noise and quickly packed her sons bike helmet full of billiard balls, went out the back door, and climbed a tree to get onto the roof. Then as the perps were attempting to break in to her home she hollered, “Death from above,” as she chucked the balls at them. They fled the seen. She said she only grabbed the billiards because she couldn’t find her cross bow or pellet gun.

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