by Jack Lee

We must not rush to judgment here! Look, we just don’t know what happened. He could have been dealing with the stress of war, he may have had personal problems, you don’t know! Sometimes people just snap under extreme pressure.

What do you want to do, put all Muslims in a concentration camp like we did the Japanese?

These comments and dozens more like them are why I say, we as a people are dangerously divided between two camps, those capable of rational thought and those who are so wrapped up and invested in political correctness they can’t think rationally!

Let me summarize the important points for the later group:

The shooter of over 40 soldiers, the killer of at least 13, was a lifelong Muslim. He was so wrapped up in his faith that it shaped his opinions about his country, about his fellow soldiers and our mission in our war on terrorism.

We absolutely know for a fact now that the shooter had been very angry that American forces were in Iraq and Afghanistan killing Muslims. There’s a big red flag! He was an Army officer, how many feel that way? Not any that I know. This is real exceptional. He had been making statements that the suicide bombers were good soldiers, another big, big Red Flag. This was an extreme view and in the Army it is a danger sign that must be handled. With all this simmering inside and his faith calling him to be loyal first to the Nation of Islam, he found himself being deployed to Iraq and this deployment finally forced him to choose a side and he did and he did what all good Muslim radicals would do. He went on a suicide mission to kill as many enemy soldiers as possible for Allah. He proclaimed “God is Great” as he opened fire and kept shooting until he was wounded by security.

Now you liberals out here want to take all this and work backwards, you want to work away from the facts that say the shooter was a Muslim radical and tell me it’s too soon to judge, that we couldn’t possibly know his motives? You say this because you are so deeply invested in a nutty philosophy of “embrace all diversity” – “avoid any judgment”, unless its to be critical of your country and our history.

When I make a logical call and say this SOB should have been tossed from the service and put on a terrorist watch list the moment his pro-Islamic radical views became known, you, you ignorant, idiotic bleeding hearts, you take that reasonable statement and make the most absurd extrapolations possible like, “So what are going to do, lock up all Muslims in a concentration camp?”

You know exactly what I am talking about don’t you? Sure. This is the kind of outrageous liberal BS we get every time we stand up for our country, every time we want a flag burner arrested, every time we want our borders protected, and every time we are justifiably critical of Muslim radicals living here! The liberals undermine us and say we need to “see it from their side” and have some “empathy” because we are mean spirited, narrow minded, foolish, stupid, prejudice, etc. Patriotic, Christian, Conservatives are the most mocked and maligned group in America today and there’s the great divide friends. We’re fast on our way to becoming the softest, wimpiest country in history unless we follow the good example of patriots past. It’s time to get angry and loud. It’s time to fight back and take this country out of the hands of those who have no respect for our founding principles! Enough is enough.

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