
by Jack

I am begining to think the water supply of Portland, Ore., might be tainted with LSD.  Check this out…

“Thursday, Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone was asked if she denounced the violent anarchy that has overrun the city for more than 70 days. Iannarone demurred, saying she would need to consider what led up to the “uprising” and “work on the issues that are causing these folks to be angry in the streets.”

“I know that nobody controls a social movement,” she said. “We need to understand these protests are an important part of a healthy democracy.”

But the reporter wouldn’t let her off the hook that easily, asking whether she would specifically denounce the violent aspects of the protests.

“I understand why they’re angry,” Iannarone said of the rioters.”

“I’m not the person setting the fires,” she replied. “I’m not the person doing the graffiti. I don’t smash windows. I clean up when things are unfairly targeted, but here’s what I have to say. Their outrage at the police is valid and the problem of police brutality and executing black lives in the streets is more important than vandalism, and we can’t forget that in this historic moment.”

Imagine that, Antifa anarchy is an important part of a healthy democracy, according Iannarone.  Wha????  I’ve seen fence posts that are smarter than this woman.  If she’s not tripping on acid, then somebody ought to place her in a rubber room for her own safety and ours.  This woman shouldn’t be running loose, much less running for mayor!


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6 Responses to Portlandia

  1. RHT447 says:


    While I heartily second your sentiment, I disagree with your rational. Sarah Iannarone is not stupid. She is cunning. Beyond that, she doesn’t care.

    The body of one of the men who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse lay on the ground after he was shot. His bowels had evacuated. Did fellow “protesters” cover him out of decency? No. They stripped his body of everything that wasn’t soiled. In a video freeze frame of the same event, two males can be observed in the background, one performing oral sex on the other.

    Portland, Kenosha, whatever. The problem is not LSD. It’s Lord of the Flies. On second thought, it’s both.

  2. Tina says:

    The fence post crop has thrived in our Public schools…I’d like to see a legit study that shows just how prevalent the civics ignorance is.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Tina, that’s a great idea, I would like to see that study too. I think the liberal left are not teaching what it really means to be an American. How else do we explain all these misguided fools on the protest lines supporting socialism?

  3. Peggy says:

    Rittenhouse’s attorney clears up the lies being spread all over about what happened that night.

    Attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse says his client acted in self-defense:


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