Climate Protestors Turn Violent Attack Danish Police

by Jack Lee

Since the very beginning of the conference in Copenhagen on climate change, thrill seekers, environmental activists, anarchists and even communist have joined forces to battle with Danish Police who were forced to fight back with tear gas and batons.

Acting under the pretext of global justice for climate change, tens of thousands of climate activist taunted the normally passive Danish police. They threw bottles, rock, bricks and punches and forced numerous confrontations while trying to grab some media attention on their signs and slogans.

As of this date, over 2000 people have been arrested and or detained for questioning by the police in Copenhagen.


Contrast this violent mob in Copenhagen with the Tea Party protestors in Washington D.C. last summer. Despite hundreds of thousands of Tea Party protestors being present, (more protestors than in Copenhagen) there was not one broken window, not one arrest, not one car was set ablaze and there was zero litter! There was litter before they arrived, but they picked it up. When their (adult) protest over waste, fraud and abuses by government was finally over they left behind a spotlessly clean Washington D.C.

Oddly the media coverage in Copenhagen has made little mention of the communists flying the old USSR hammer and sickle flags, nor have they been making much of trash, vandalism or the vicious and repeated attacks on police. It’s almost as if this mob of protestors can do no wrong, but had a fraction of this lawlessness happened in D.C. with the Tea Party protestors you can bet there would have been media outrage and Janet Napolitano would be issuing another memo declaring them terrorists.

Update: Again today Danish police fired pepper spray and beat protesters with batons outside the U.N. climate conference today as disputes inside left major issues unresolved just two days before world leaders hope to sign a historic agreement to fight global warming. Police said 230 people were detained from among the protesters demanding “climate justice.” With the talks clearly deadlocked, Connie Hedegaard, former Danish climate minister, resigned from the conference presidency to allow her boss, Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen to preside as world leaders from 115 nations stream into Copenhagen. She will continue overseeing the closed-door talks.

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