If the Sky is Truly Falling…Why the BIG Footprint?

by Tina Grazier

We’ve been told it’s an emergency too serious to ignore. We’ve been told we have to act before it’s too late. We’ve been told if we don’t knuckle to global controlling authority and taxation we will all be under water in a matter of just a few years.

I say bologna. If the soothsayers really and truly believed this they wouldn’t be acting like spoiled film stars gathering for the Oscars. They’d be huddled in labs looking for remedies and writing legislation to stop all production and all travel by gasoline engines immediately. They would be issuing civic warnings to stay inside and limit activity. They would be acting like this is an emergency!

Instead they travel to exotic locales every few years, they put on a big show, to convince the world’s governments and people that they must fork over large amounts of cash and completely change the way we live. The footprint for this years warming extravaganza is estimated to be 40, 500 Tons. That, fellow citizens, is the true measure of their concern. This BIG footprint means the sky is not falling…there is no emergency.

Source: “Copenhagen Carbon Footprint: 40,500 Tons” – CBS News

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