by Jack Lee (Retired police detective)

Scams to avoid:

The bank calls and says they need help detecting possible internal theft or they say there are some “irregularities” with your account….

You’re stopped on the street and an unknown person greets you and asks how old you are and just can’t believe it, they need to see your wallet…

They were working in your neighborhood or trailor park and had a little extra driveway, roof sealant left over…

Some money was found in brown bag, they are unsure what to do with it and you are asked for advice…

It’s a break through miracle diet pill that finally works or your money back…

Guaranteed male enhancement, improve your performance and your size, you pay only shipping and handling for a 30 day trial…

You won the Canadian lottery and you don’t ever remember buying a ticket…

In an email a Nigerian government official deperately needs your help to deposit money into your bank account and he’ll split it with you, it’s worth millions…

Banks don’t just call you looking for your help. You don’t ever turn over your wallet to let a stranger check your driver’s license. Workers in your neighborhood with leftover materials better have a business license and a solicitors permit. Money found in a brown bag will suddenly turn into a brown bag with cut up paper. If there was a miracle diet pill it would be in the news not on an ad, they really just hoping you won’t ask for your money back, most people don’t. You have to check your own lottery ticket and you don’t have to pay handling fees or taxes up front. The only thing you will get from Africa is an empty bank account.

If you think something is fishy it probably the police don’t just let it go…call the police and clue them this is happening!!! They need your help.

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