A Christmas Gift

by Anonymous


At this time of year fireplace mantles are filled with Christmas cards, somewhere nearby there is a Christmas tree, intricately and lovingly deocorated with colored ornaments. And under this beautiful tree are brightly wrapped gifts. It’s a wonderful time to think of family and friends and to be thankful for all that we have.

The giving of gifts at Christmas should also be a reminder that many years ago God sent his only son to earth as gift to you and this was the greatest gift you could ever receive. Presents get lost, toys get broken, and dreams of long-lived happiness begin to fade with time, but God’s gift to us is eternal.

The Bible says in 1 John 1:9, all sin, all unrighteousness–past, present, and future–is washed away by the blood of Christ when we confess our sins and receive his gift of eternal salvation. And when that time comes that we leave this earth we are promised we will be welcomed into the Father’s House for eternity. That is God’s gift to you and the loving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This is the message of the Gospel that we celebrate at Christmas–God’s gift to us.

Merry Christmas.

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