Poll: 7 in 10 Don’t Want Palin to Run

(Jan. 19) — Sarah Palin may be considering a bid for the White House in 2012, but it seems most Americans would rather that she not.

According to a CBS poll, 71 percent of Americans don’t want the former Republican vice presidential nominee to run for president. Despite widespread speculation that Palin could be on the next GOP ticket, 56 percent of Republicans said they don’t want the former Alaskan governor to run. Not surprisingly, Palin fared even worse among other voters: 65 percent of independents and 88 percent of Democrats said they didn’t want to see her run for president.

The CBS poll found that conservatives are the only ideological group that hold a favorable view of Palin, and most of them — 58 percent — say they don’t want her to run for president.

In the blogosphere, some conservatives expressed skepticism about the poll results. Hot Air’s Allahpundit blogger, for example, wasn’t buying it. “Does anyone seriously believe that only 43 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Sarahcuda?” he asked Monday, citing a 2009 Gallup poll from July that found that 72 percent of Republicans and “Republican-leaning independents” held a favorable view of Palin.

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