Very Bad Bill DEAD – Pelosi


Posted by Tina

Pelosi: House lacks votes to pass Senate healthcare reform bill,” by Jordan Fabian and Michael O’Brien – Blog Briefing Room, The Hill

House Democrats lack enough votes to pass the Senate’s healthcare bill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday. ** Pelosi threw cold water on the idea that the House could muster enough support to pass the Senate’s bill, which includes a number of provisions liberals in the House find distasteful. ** “I don’t see the votes for it at this time,” Pelosi told reporters during her weekly press conference. “The members have been very clear.”

Brown is being asked by media about “working with Democrats”. Democrats had better start working with Republicans if they expect to redeem themselves at all. John Kerry, who made a negative ad against Brown prior to the election, met with him this morning before medai cameras to grovel. He tried to maintain the illusion of control but his discomfort was apparent. His take was surely there were a few things in the health care bill tfor which Republicans and Democrats could agree. YES! They were submitted for consideration by Republicans and you rejected them!!!

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