Senators Challenge EPA Power

Posted by Tina

Three cheers for Senator Murkowski and the Republicans and Democrats who signed on to her challenge of the new powers given to the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide. It’s important to work toward having clean air, clean energy sources and clean production but it’s stupid to give a bureaucracy the power to make these decisions. The EPA has

zero interest in whether or not we Americans continue to have jobs or whether or not prices for goods and services are driven higher. The only focus for them is a number they have determined to be “necessary” and forcing industry to meet that number whether it’s economically feasible and whether or not it is even possible.

“Senators Want to Bar E.P.A. Greenhouse Gas Limits,” By John M. Broder – NY Times

WASHINGTON — In a direct challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority, Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, introduced a resolution on Thursday to prevent the agency from taking any action to regulate carbon dioxide and other climate-altering gases. ** Ms. Murkowski, joined by 35 Republicans and three conservative Democrats, proposed to use the Congressional Review Act to strip the agency of the power to limit emissions of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. The Supreme Court gave the agency legal authority to regulate such emissions in a landmark 2007 ruling. ** “Make no mistake,” Ms. Murkowski said in a floor statement, “if Congress allows this to happen there will be severe consequences.” She said businesses would be forced to close or move overseas, domestic energy production would be curtailed, housing would become more expensive and agricultural costs would rise.

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