ADA Act Hurts Businesses – Reform Needed Now!

by Jack Lee

The American’s with Disabilities Act of 1990 needs some reform. Too many shyster lawyers are making a pretty good living just driving around towns looking for the slightest violation at business and then they sue. For instance a local grocery store was sued and the lawyer suing made thousands in fine money and fees just because the handicapped railings in the restroom stall was a mere one inch too high, they also had to tear up a sidewalk because it was just 1.5 degrees out of compliance, this was a $50,000 renovation. The shyster who cashed in on the error made off with the fine money and court fees.

Thanks to the ADA we’ve got these scum sucking predator lawyers driving around with a camera and a measuring tape just looking for the slightest infraction. It could be the empty disability parking spaces were too narrow by an inch or two, it’s rediculous what they have come up with and it’s not right. Too many businesses in Chico have been victimized by sleezy lawyers exploiting the ADA rules.

A notorious case in the north state was the Squeeze Inn, a burger joint known for their delicious hamburgers cooked in a tiny restaurant barely big enough for half dozen customers standing. The owner installed a buzzer outside in a patio area for wheel chair customers and they took their order from there, but that wasn’t good enough. After 32 years of business, today is their last day, thanks to the latest ADA lawsuit. They were ordered to make hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of ADA improvements that cost more than their building was worth.

You know what folks, we just can’t cater to everyone with a special need. It just can’t be done without killing ourselves in the process. The last thing California businesses need is a lawyers suing them because their sidewalk is one degree in violation of the ADA Act. This needs to be fixed and I’m kinda surprised that the GOP candidates running for election haven’t jumped all over this one. All we need to do is remove the easy monitary incentives for lawyers and we could bring this under control.

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