Health Care – Go or No?

Posted by Tina

Fred Thompson weighed in on whether it would be wise for Republicans to trust the motivations of the President to bring health care back for “bipartisan” consideration:

“The President is reaching out to Republicans; he says he wants to hear their best ideas on health care, and he wants them to help him get his health care agenda back on track. But boy, the American people sure aren’t clamoring for that. I’ve got a message for them. Mr. President, the latest poll numbers show that 47 percent of the people say start over on health care. Another 23 percent say do nothing. In other words, a full 70 percent of Americans say do nothing or start over. So with that in mind, “do nothing or start over” is the beginning of your negotiating situation, not your position. Mr. President, it’s over. And the Republicans better realize that, too. If they go into a high profile, televised meeting in one of the President’s houses, Blair House, in this case, to talk about how they are going to work to achieve the details of his agenda, they are crazy.” – Fred Thompson – American Spectator

What do you think? Should Republicans go….or say no?

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