Obama – a Glimpse Into His College Years


Posted by Tina

The video that follows features a Q & A with John C. Drew, a man who attended college with Barack Obama, or “Barry” as he then liked to be called when they both attended Oxicdental College. Drew offers a first person account of his conversations and impressions of Barack Obama and the community of friends they had. They were serious Marxists with revolution very much on their minds. When considering Obama’s many associations through the years Dr.Drew (pictured below right) reveals insight from a position of strength since he was at the time a true believer himself. But…you decide. The video is fairly long, more appropriate as audio, but worth the thirty minutes or so it takes to run through it.

Source: Bungalow Bills Conservative Wisdom

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Drew describes himself as a serious Marxist, including being an enemy of the US government, while he was in college. When they met, Drew describes Obama’s views were parallel with Drew’s views. He was one of the brotherhood, ready for revolution. Obama wasn’t just an explorer of intellectual Marxism. He embraced Marxist Leninism. ** Drew says Obama was in 100% agreement with his Marxist professors in college. He looked forward to a revolution in this country to overturn the power structure. This is a fascinating interview, because we may be seeing those revolutionary efforts engaged in front of us as Obama’s policies appear to be dooming the country more than helping.

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